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lurcherman 887

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Everything posted by lurcherman 887

  1. The best accent, all my older relatives sound like that .it’s dying out that thick London accent what a shame.
  2. Just keep log of mileage, my accountant told me not bother keeping all fuel receipts any more.
  3. Who gives a shite if people pay for it let em
  4. Them clubfeet won’t be coming anywhere near me!
  5. He still ain’t come seen me yet and I’m round the corner !
  6. Good luck mate il send you my bank details or can do a cash payment over a cuppa up crews hill bird shop quick 1er that’ll do
  7. Just as well he’s a softie
  8. I weren't born mate so as far as I’m concerned that’s hear say il have a friendly bet with you we finish higher next season ? ton?
  9. I guess so, but we’ll still finish higher than you wet wipes next season
  10. He’s off his head ain’t he ?
  11. I said that to the mrs other day
  12. Chelsea mate , we’ve been disastrous and the money we have spent. Unreal.
  13. Bad season for us glad it’s over.
  14. My fire stick was worthless can’t beat skys or virgins reliability
  15. Firestick shit unless you have amazing Wi-Fi
  16. So basically everything most people say ? Lol
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