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lurcherman 887

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Everything posted by lurcherman 887

  1. Little whippet mate perfect
  2. Hotel near me they are refusing to move off even though they are being offered houses ! and have been for 5 months now, breakfast lunch and dinner on the house free gym swimming pool the lot. Dozey c**ts dropping off bags of clothes food you name it. only ones who have given the rats grief is the gypsys off the camp behind. as the scabs have been shitting in all the bushes instead of the toilet they have spray painted on the front wall something in Arabic. I had to change my gym to one double the price because they closed it with immediate effect. They
  3. f**k France it’s what they deserve for letting them in same as uk and Ireland ??
  4. f**k me I bet that was a good dream !
  5. Wow is Ireland that bad
  6. He loves anything long and hard !
  7. Yeah always worth a watch !
  8. I’d take a guess it was around the 50s early 60s mate
  9. “My father Andrew Earnest Wild was born in 1907 in Clerkenwell, within the sound of Bow Bells, and he lived in Bastwick St (known as ‘the Bass’) off Central St. His father was Andrew Benjamin Wild and his mother was Ellen Leach. He was the eldest of four brothers and two sisters – Emmy and one he lost – and another half sister, Maggie. When he was sixteen, he falsified his age and joined up with the Queen’s Own Royal West Kent, based in Maidstone. The Ministry of Defence sent me his pay book and what have you. It says, ‘A hardworking clean and sober man, of smart appearance, he can be tru
  10. Some Of the words my old grandparents used I never understood as a kid, like “where’s me f***ing twirls” or “ I need a f***ing glim” “can’t find me smother” twirls would be keys glim would be a torch smother would be a over coat/ jacket. the English gypsys seem to have adopted a lot of the old cockney slang, and still use it yogga= gun yoks=eyes mooey=face rackley or mort= woman kahzee= toilet and so on, few lads I used to knock about with who were English gypsys one of which died last week and what a send off he had. They used to be baffled I could understand thei
  11. The best accent, all my older relatives sound like that .it’s dying out that thick London accent what a shame.
  12. Just keep log of mileage, my accountant told me not bother keeping all fuel receipts any more.
  13. Who gives a shite if people pay for it let em
  14. Them clubfeet won’t be coming anywhere near me!
  15. He still ain’t come seen me yet and I’m round the corner !
  16. Good luck mate il send you my bank details or can do a cash payment over a cuppa up crews hill bird shop quick 1er that’ll do
  17. Just as well he’s a softie
  18. I weren't born mate so as far as I’m concerned that’s hear say il have a friendly bet with you we finish higher next season ? ton?
  19. I guess so, but we’ll still finish higher than you wet wipes next season
  20. He’s off his head ain’t he ?
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