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lurcherman 887

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Everything posted by lurcherman 887

  1. We must never forget this like the holocaust we must keep this alive
  2. Word has it Andy can see into space with all the binoculars. I think he’s one set away from seeing the future
  3. His dog lost its voice.. I called it strait away as bullshit ?
  4. Only on the gay and trans section mate
  5. Can’t see greyman coming back either…
  6. New film”talk to me” coming out Friday looks a bit weird
  7. How can you assume our genders ?
  8. Don’t bring back the argumentative skirt wearer katchum
  9. Speak for yourself mate alls well here
  10. Report dogs outside and no shelter had kennels up think the whining pissed em off lol
  11. 100 percent mate well said…. Us lot don’t stick together anymore
  12. It’s a terrible shame mate I live with Romanians over the back blacks over other side and some foreigners other side Portuguese I think The two English family’s around us are the biggest nosiest wankers you’ve met.. grassed us up more than once and been caught out sending rspca to my gaff plus complaining to council about fences ect .. it’s the English ones who are the window twitchers. The foreigners couldn’t give a shite and I’d swap the English for foreigners all day.. never thought I’d say that either
  13. This is the problem with England these days everyone’s to preoccupied about materialism and grassing each other up instead of helping each other out like the Asians and the Jews polish do.
  14. That’s it can’t stand it mate he’s got a new car she’s got this blah blah who f****n cares Man
  15. Think you’re all on about child TAX credits anyway everyone gets child benefit even the wealthy. there is no cap on child benefit but is for child tax.
  16. Lol sound very jealous who cares what they’ve got and what they ain’t got if you need some extra doh get out and earn it
  17. How do all these Jealous fuckers know the ins and outs of everyone’s life? How you know if they’re living off of “old money” they have inherited ect? Now if someone is in a couple and pretending not to be and receiving income support and he works and earns and they are having there cake and eating then it’s a piss take 100 percent but even so who gives a shite
  18. Who gives a fook what they’ve got stay in your lane
  19. Women are easily led.. think there in love ect men just want the shag. Shitcunts
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