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Everything posted by LMFAO

  1. I still don't use a locator aye, money bag, ferret in your secret pocket that you tore the lining of your market Barbour jacket lol and away you'd go. When I think about it, between the smell of ferret piss, rabbit piss, blood all soaking in your jacket, no wonder my auld maw wouldn't wash it in her swanky twin tub lol. Your showing off with a lamp. Never had one of them till I was early 20's. motorbike battery and spot light lol. The Mam and the ex Mrs wouldn't even let my "Hoggs of Fife" fake Barbour in the house :laugh: oh how proud I was when I got the brown one lining tore straight
  2. it's mad how much has changed. If you were like us, you never had a gun bag, just no need. i still rarely use one did you ever fire those wee dart things that came in different colours? They gave your arse an awfy sting
  3. it's mad how much has changed. If you were like us, you never had a gun bag, just no need.
  4. eh??? :laugh: If I understood that right you have half an eyebrow this morning.... Just realised you cnuts are on holiday today I'm at work mate. No, I've no eyebrows now lol. The b*****ds shaved one of them while I was sleeping leaving a wee bit at the end. Had to shave the other one myself, b*****ds that they are. I'll get my own back don't you worry about that lol.
  5. I still don't use a locator aye, money bag, ferret in your secret pocket that you tore the lining of your market Barbour jacket lol and away you'd go. When I think about it, between the smell of ferret piss, rabbit piss, blood all soaking in your jacket, no wonder my auld maw wouldn't wash it in her swanky twin tub lol. Your showing off with a lamp. Never had one of them till I was early 20's. motorbike battery and spot light lol. The Mam and the ex Mrs wouldn't even let my "Hoggs of Fife" fake Barbour in the house :laugh: oh how proud I was when I got the brown one lining tore straight
  6. Hey mushy, 19 bottles of Stella yer auld da drank Friday bight lasted till 5am Saturday morning, woke up at 10 on the couch missing half an eyebrow the b*****ds
  7. LMFAO

    Young Stags

    It's a good un mate
  8. I still don't use a locator aye, money bag, ferret in your secret pocket that you tore the lining of your market Barbour jacket lol and away you'd go. When I think about it, between the smell of ferret piss, rabbit piss, blood all soaking in your jacket, no wonder my auld maw wouldn't wash it in her swanky twin tub lol. Your showing off with a lamp. Never had one of them till I was early 20's. motorbike battery and spot light lol. The Mam and the ex Mrs wouldn't even let my "Hoggs of Fife" fake Barbour in the house :laugh: oh how proud I was when I got the brown one lining tore straight
  9. LMFAO

    Young Stags

    and a high powered zoom lense you should pm Darcy for pointers next time you go out mate
  10. I still don't use a locator aye, money bag, ferret in your secret pocket that you tore the lining of your market Barbour jacket lol and away you'd go. When I think about it, between the smell of ferret piss, rabbit piss, blood all soaking in your jacket, no wonder my auld maw wouldn't wash it in her swanky twin tub lol. Your showing off with a lamp. Never had one of them till I was early 20's. motorbike battery and spot light lol.
  11. LMFAO

    Young Stags

    Good photo that mate. You must be losing your sneaking up on em touch cos they're definitely onto you lol
  12. Totally agree......gameness would be the absolute worst trait a wild animal could possibly possess........far as im aware only 3 animals in the world have a natural gameness thats the Pit Bull,Rooster and Dove ( yes the symbol of peace )...........wild animals if you leave the gate open they will run away for self preservation..........which is the exact 100% opposite to the meaning of gameness. gnasher telling us how nature works. A forum with guys who have been in the field hunting most of there life's....... Getting told by a guy who admitted to not seeing a tree till he was in his 20's
  13. Totally agree......gameness would be the absolute worst trait a wild animal could possibly possess........far as im aware only 3 animals in the world have a natural gameness thats the Pit Bull,Rooster and Dove ( yes the symbol of peace )...........wild animals if you leave the gate open they will run away for self preservation..........which is the exact 100% opposite to the meaning of gameness. gnasher telling us how nature works. A forum with guys who have been in the field hunting most of there life's....... Getting told by a guy who admitted to not seeing a tree till he was in his 20's
  14. Caught loads of mackerel on loch Long. It's one long, narrow f***ing deep loch. I can mind you had to see what flag was on the bouy to see if any subs were there. Think it was an American base. Loch Fyne is another cracking loch and good fishing. Had a nice sea trout from there using mackerel as bait.
  15. Totally agree......gameness would be the absolute worst trait a wild animal could possibly possess........far as im aware only 3 animals in the world have a natural gameness thats the Pit Bull,Rooster and Dove ( yes the symbol of peace )...........wild animals if you leave the gate open they will run away for self preservation..........which is the exact 100% opposite to the meaning of gameness. gnasher telling us how nature works. A forum with guys who have been in the field hunting most of there life's....... Getting told by a guy who admitted to not seeing a tree till he was in his 20's
  16. Hilarious......you 3 South hams Clippy and Baw remind of 3 little schoolboys sitting at the front of the class where everyone can see them throwing insults trying to get a reaction from the big burly teacher and thinking they are on the front foot................... from the safety of their school desks !......Little pricks.... put your conkers away and go and pick on someone your own size you really are the biggest hypocrite on here gnash........... Got to agree, I've been saying it for ages. He's mentioned me atleast 3 times on this thread that I haven't even posted on yet. If that
  17. LMFAO

    Yukon Men....

    Exactly I'll get on it Monday
  18. LMFAO

    Yukon Men....

    No not at all. Sound
  19. LMFAO

    Yukon Men....

    No worries, sorry for doubting you. Pm me your address and I'll send you up a bottle of ribena as a gesture
  20. LMFAO

    Yukon Men....

    Do you need to get vouched for to become a member?
  21. LMFAO

    Pub Or House

    They're called socks mush
  22. Road to Malaig has white sandy beaches, water looks torquiest. Pity it's always 3 below
  23. LMFAO

    Yukon Men....

    Fukc me he is only a normal bloke that happens to live in Canada the same as thousands of others ............ maybe I misinterpreted the program. I thought it was a remote place, no mobiles etc. hard to picture him sitting on the laptop posting pictures on a form. But I'll give the benefit of the doubt...... I don't want to turn into gnasher
  24. LMFAO

    Pub Or House

    went last year with the mates, going this year with the daughter. I'm talking your beach in June ya fanny For me the beach is whenever I want Magine being sat in the sun, Mojito in one hand, spliff in the other and surrounded by sexy girls with their tits out playing volleyball.... That's my Sunday recovery :laugh: Sounds like heaven. The image is wasted with you tucking your balls into your sandals
  25. Can you mind in his article he advertised one of the anti organizations were doing free postage for donations? He said he was donating a concrete slab quality
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