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Everything posted by LMFAO

  1. Maybe that's the problem mate. Poor lassy is dead/missing cos they did nothing to secure her safety.Debatable. Debate it then. I'm saying they failed as parental guardians by leaving children alone in an apartment in a foreign country. This single act of neglect started a chain reaction that's still being debated 7 years later. If they'd been more responsible that poor lass would be looking forward to her teenage years right now.
  2. He'll be getting handed his P45 then you will be pleased to hear england are taking him to the world cup......... Who's paying for that, Gordon Strachan
  3. LMFAO


    That dogs condition and the state of its face is horrendous. They need closed down. It's obvious they are failing their duties.
  4. 13 1/2 inches!!!! Worlds largest!!! I'm gonna burst his bubble, what's the number to get it measured his wife's nickname is John Wayne
  5. ye baw but he was on holiday good point I'm talking about when crime watch put the photo fit up of the suspect carrying a child on the beach just after maddie went missing and 90% phoned in to say it looked like the father lol.
  6. I didn't know chalk was a banned substance..... You learn something new every day
  7. Seriously you really went to the trouble of ringing your brief to find out if some one on a forum was right or wrong? only on THL i did mate ye just to prove a point does my head in [bANNED TEXT] you no your right about something so jus rang to make sure were on first name terms n as said been useing im for 17 years I'd loved to have heard the conversation....... Hello, it's Andy here.... You know, Andy, the guy who phoned you in the middle of the night last week to see if you were at court the following day. Ahhh you remember now, anyway........ Oh your at court the now, it's ok, this w
  8. Like some c**t wi Nae eyebrows opinion matters.................. :clapper:
  9. Totally agree......gameness would be the absolute worst trait a wild animal could possibly possess........far as im aware only 3 animals in the world have a natural gameness thats the Pit Bull,Rooster and Dove ( yes the symbol of peace )...........wild animals if you leave the gate open they will run away for self preservation..........which is the exact 100% opposite to the meaning of gameness. gnasher telling us how nature works. A forum with guys who have been in the field hunting most of there life's....... Getting told by a guy who admitted to not seeing a tree till he was in his 20's
  10. Can you remember writing this? You've been all over it like a rash...... Your right though, it is hilarious
  11. It's a farce. I watched it last night on demand. If anyone has it recorded, look at when the guys first find the beach and go in for a swim. For a split second as the guy wades out in the water you can clearly see a line of bouys and plastic bottles in the water spaced out in a straight line, obviously a net. You only get to see it once, must be edited out the rest. And the fire, they all shake the camera guys hand for getting it going. Is he an SAS guy put in there for emergencies cos they weren't getting the fire going and the show was lquickly becoming a non starter.
  12. Maybe that's the problem mate. Poor lassy is dead/missing cos they did nothing to secure her safety.
  13. Seriously you really went to the trouble of ringing your brief to find out if some one on a forum was right or wrong? only on THL i did mate ye just to prove a point does my head in [bANNED TEXT] you no your right about something so jus rang to make sure were on first name terms n as said been useing im for 17 years I'd loved to have heard the conversation....... Hello, it's Andy here.... You know, Andy, the guy who phoned you in the middle of the night last week to see if you were at court the following day. Ahhh you remember now, anyway........ Oh your at court the now, it's ok, this w
  14. He'll be getting handed his P45 then
  15. Personally I think the publicity they created and hype world wide getting everyone to search for her is the only reason they aren't doing time. The foreign police didn't want a backlash trying them without a body. Anybody else would have been tried with the evidence body or not.
  16. I know its fookin crazy. Like someone is going kid knap a child then go out the front where there is a million police and start digging a f*****g hole Not if the hole was dug before the alarm was raised..... If this is a digging site, Scotland Yard have the McCanns on there radar. Lets be honest no f****r would dig a hole outside someones balcony. Even if alarm was raised or not. its like stealing a car and parking it next door for few hours. Stranger things have happened. Look at the wests, how many bodies did they bury under the patio? It might have been blind panic. Come in to chec
  17. I know its fookin crazy. Like someone is going kid knap a child then go out the front where there is a million police and start digging a f*****g hole Not if the hole was dug before the alarm was raised..... If this is a digging site, Scotland Yard have the McCanns on there radar.
  18. Eh lol, was that meant to be a pm for someone :laugh Nope, it's what the McCanns should've practiced Well deflected
  19. And another site near the apartments. You wouldn't kidnap a child and bury it ear the apartment
  20. I think it's looking dodgy for the McCanns if one of the digging sites is the beach. Wasn't the father spotted at the beach?
  21. Eh lol, was that meant to be a pm for someone :laugh
  22. Don't tell me that, just ordered a 12ma one
  23. Forensics officers will use ground penetrating radar equipment to search at three sites in Praia da Luz. Sky's Crime Correspondent Martin Brunt, speaking from the police investigators' base in Faro, described the move as a "breakthrough" in the investigation. He said: "We don't know exactly where the digging will take place and it's not an operation that's being launched on new information. "It appears that there is information that was given to the Portuguese over the past seven years that indicated that there might be evidence to be found at certain locations. "We think one o
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