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Everything posted by LMFAO

  1. That's the thing, I don't think he was him back, just doesn't want bogger to move the dog on. I don't know what he expected to be honest. You breed a litter of pups, chose one, sell the rest. Year down the line get one back that isn't trained properly....... Are you expected to keep it for life? Do you have to report back to the guy who's dumped you with it if a caring home comes up cos the guy who gave you it because he didn't want it, wants first refusal???? If it was me and some gave me the dog and said, I want first refusal I'd say fine, here you go, have it, it's yours.
  2. LMFAO

    Man V Weird

    Not too bad mate, lot of phonies though.
  3. With the likelihood hibs will get relegated, Hibs, Hearts and rangers will be battling it out for 2 promotional spots in the first division next season, who will miss out Hearts find themselves there because of the 25 point penalty they recieved so you'd imagine they'll bounce back. Hibs, appointed terry butcher as manager, he hasn't had time to save them but proved at ICT he's a good manager. He'll be hurting if he gets relegated so Hibs will put up a good fight. rangers want Kenny Miller and Kris Boyd back but with there financial situation and the fans not renewing season tickets, can they
  4. LMFAO

    Man V Weird

    I already knew about it..... I'm in episode 5
  5. Did it look about 30 foot long
  6. He wrote this.....I haven't heard anything from him for ages despite messages and deep down I know he will hAve moved her on. You might say fool me for giving her away but I gave not sold hew back to her breeder - the right thing to do. All I asked in return is first refusal on her as I didn't want her to be passed about. How would you interpret it? Well he didn't bad mouth him , how many other lads have sold dogs and then later asked/ offered for it back. Going by his post he had tried contacting the man, with no joy. And he had had to come on here to ask. I'll f****n bet he wished
  7. I'm gonna do the lottery numbers this weekend, I've got the shinning see when you watched it, I bet you thought of me ohh I'm definitely watching that episode, I wonder if he'll use bouys Lol....listen at you,,,,thinking your all that cos you Sussed it out"..........but you know your going to watch every episode,,,,got to ardbe better than that yank crap you were watching..... I loved the way you's all noticed it but didn't want to say because you wanted to enjoy it sooooooo much I was the same with lizard lick..... It can't be staged I'd think as I watched petrol bombs exploding off of ca
  8. He wrote this..... I haven't heard anything from him for ages despite messages and deep down I know he will hAve moved her on. You might say fool me for giving her away but I gave not sold hew back to her breeder - the right thing to do. All I asked in return is first refusal on her as I didn't want her to be passed about. How would you interpret it?
  9. I'm gonna do the lottery numbers this weekend, I've got the shinning see when you watched it, I bet you thought of me ohh I'm definitely watching that episode, I wonder if he'll use bouys Lol....listen at you,,,,thinking your all that cos you Sussed it out"..........but you know your going to watch every episode,,,,got to be better than that yank crap you were watching..... I loved the way you's all noticed it but didn't want to say because you wanted to enjoy it sooooooo much I was the same with lizard lick..... It can't be staged I'd think as I watched petrol bombs exploding off of cars.
  10. I'm gonna do the lottery numbers this weekend, I've got the shinning see when you watched it, I bet you thought of me ohh I'm definitely watching that episode, I wonder if he'll use bouys
  11. He's bored, run with it...... What do you thinks happened there jigsaw?
  12. aye mate, at this rate I reckon some c**t will like me by 2017 Not f*****g likely I'm a glass half full kind of guy
  13. I think you need to read what you've written pal. Why mention you had first refusal? That insinuates you think he's sold the dog. What do you expect us to think? We can only go on what you write and from what I've seen, minus the back peddling, you ain't painting the guy in a good light. So who is jumping to conclusions on something they know f**k all about, us or you?
  14. my favourite island in the world. Thanks for sharing. If you've anymore, doesn't need to be mountain views, please share them
  15. That's me back to square one, damn
  16. aye mate, at this rate I reckon some c**t will like me by 2017
  17. See when you got the pup and when you gave the dog back, did you do all this through the post? Surely you met him at his home so will know where he lives. Reading what I only know from what's written on this thread, it sounds to me like you got a pup, put no work into it, gave it back when it lost its puppy appeal. Now the guy you gave it to night have put hour unless your sed, days, months into training it to a hunting level and now you want it back, is that about right? All this I want first refusal is a load of pish if you ask me. As soon as you give a dog up and another man owns that dog,
  18. say no more, question answered My thought exactly my little bumchum mod friend i dare not answer for fear of favouritism allegations, anyway i have not reached my daily limits of annoying yet, so don't have the time to answer I'm the same pal/mate/lover I'm sure I'll be upto speed once I've read and answered on the 'English football the best, really' thread
  19. Now THAT'S a parent talking lab.
  20. say no more, question answered My thought exactly my little bumchum mod friend
  21. I've never seen the program but I knew he had Parkinson's, sad. Like most I grew up when Billy Connelly was at the pinnacle of his career. He was without a doubt the funniest man around. He's had me in tears struggling for breath many a time. Typical Glaswegian humour and all he did was talk about every day things that happened in life. I loved the way his brain ticked. The way he looked at things and the art he had of describing what he saw. A remarkable character that brought a lot of joy into people's life's. his books an interesting read. He had a hard childhood, sexually abused by his fat
  22. See when you got the pup and when you gave the dog back, did you do all this through the post? Surely you met him at his home so will know where he lives. Reading what I only know from what's written on this thread, it sounds to me like you got a pup, put no work into it, gave it back when it lost its puppy appeal. Now the guy you gave it to night have put hours, days, months into training it to a hunting level and now you want it back, is that about right? All this I want first refusal is a load of pish if you ask me. As soon as you give a dog up and another man owns that dog, you have absolu
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