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Everything posted by LMFAO

  1. Did you miss an L out of your name?
  2. LMFAO

    Pub Or House

    Sounds like me last night drinking shots of Mezcal :laugh: I'm just a beer drinker. I'm f***ing dreading it he's coming at 4 and will expect to drink till f***ing Sunday I'm meant to be making a f***ing BBQ the morra, I'm praying for snow
  3. LMFAO

    Pub Or House

    We had our Mayday bank holiday yesterday and I forgot to take today off to bridge it for a long weekend, so sat in work still half pished and not feeling very lucky :laugh: I've seen the light..... I now believe there is a god If there is, the cnut has abandoned me this morning :laugh: Plus the boss has just walked in and has asked me to go in for a meeting I smell like Georgy Best's armpit Stop it, your gonna have me going to chapel again
  4. LMFAO

    Pub Or House

    I'm going to have a session tonight. Got a mate I haven't seen since Christmas staying till Sunday. Scary thing is, he's a serious drinker. He drinks JD, pimms and peach snaps. It costs a fortune drinking in the pub with him. I kid you not, he has 8 shots of peach snaps at a time lol. So it'll be in the house, few lads round, wee darts tournament with Ronnie osullivan in the background
  5. LMFAO

    Pub Or House

    We had our Mayday bank holiday yesterday and I forgot to take today off to bridge it for a long weekend, so sat in work still half pished and not feeling very lucky :laugh: I've seen the light..... I now believe there is a god
  6. I've fished the Dochart many times at killin, kayaked loch Katrine etc. cracking place.
  7. Pm me and I'll tell you some good places
  8. LMFAO


    Keep it serious guys
  9. The same amount as you i would imagine ............Most people these days have cars,why not do it in the privacy and comfort of your car.........go in a toilet,behind a bush anywhere...........ive sat in restaurants before only to turn round and some big fat old moose is sat there with an udder out with some poor childs head squashed into it............why should i be put off my food because she cant organise herself properly..............im all for women breastfeeding i just dont particularly want to see it. Well don't f*****g look then, it's that simple. It's ok for you to stuff your face
  10. Do you think he hates us mate? If he was a labour prick, would that be any better?
  11. Maybe. I'm Catholic but can hardly say I adhere to it. Your point is, as I'm sure your going to tell me? LolSee and here lays an example of the uk's problems.Now I'm not saying you in particular lab so don't go on the offensive. You lot are saying Muslim this and Muslim. We are losing our culture bring back the real Christian values and standards. No one cares about Church of Scotland/chapel any more. Who the Fook goes to the chapel and church now? At least the Muslims are consistent with their beliefs. If the country stuck with values and standards of the uk and implemented them we woul
  12. Spot on. He doesn't give a f**k, doesn't toe the party line. The guys a class act.
  13. That's it, where's me banner.......
  14. I know mate. A guy sent me an interesting pm earlier regarding this thread. Makes you think.
  15. Plenty of fit birds too bird
  16. Subway haven't excluded anyone, you still have the choice to buy or not. I don't think for a minute they haven't checked the figures and this is nothing more than a financial decision. You can make up bizarre theories how its came about but tbh, I only see a sandwich franchise changing a menu to get more bums on seats.So they haven't excluded anyone? I've read it wrong then. I can still go in and get my chicken and bacon ranch....? Cos a shop stops selling a product you buy, is that mean your excluded from buying from the shop? I thought excluded meant you weren't allowed into somewhere. I mus
  17. Subway haven't excluded anyone, you still have the choice to buy or not. I don't think for a minute they haven't checked the figures and this is nothing more than a financial decision. You can make up bizarre theories how its came about but tbh, I only see a sandwich franchise changing a menu to get more bums on seats.
  18. LMFAO

    Pub Or House

    I laughed out loud at your description of the sign
  19. You ever read the book driving over lemons? Sounds a good way to live
  20. There more I travel the world the more I come to realise that Scotland is the place for me I can be up for first light stalking then have a cast for a salmon in the morning then pheasant ,patridge pigeon goose duck etc shooting depending on time of year or ,out hunting ,digging etc ...I can be sitting in grouse butt loading for some gentry then out for a shine at night ,I can see black cock (wilfs favourite ) caper ,king fisher, eagles, ospreys, crossbills, red deer rutting ,otters pine martins wild cats etc I can be right on the coast then right in the highlands all 1/2 an hour from my h
  21. Now your talking. Who's up for a lads week in France camping?
  22. I know it's only a menu on a shop but when is the end? When all pork products are banned from schools? from restraunts? from supermarkets?r This is not an Islamic country (not yet anyway) the banning of ANY product to satisfy a fanatical minority don't sit right with me if it's no problem to anyone else then that's up to the individual.In 20 years time will I need to go to a specialty meat producer to by non Halal pork from "under the counter" in a brown paper bag?Death by a thousand cuts mate...I know what your saying mate. If the government change the menu then yes, I agree, it's something t
  23. I know a couple who bought an old house over there. When I say I know a couple, I know the woman to speak to. Anyhow, when I say house, I mean a pile of bricks they go over a month at a time twice a year to do the house up, had it 2 years and its still pretty much a pile of bricks lol. She said its a small village, houses scattered about. Neighbours were funny with them. Until the neighbours realized they were planing to move in and not use it as a holiday home. She said it was like turning on a tap. All of a sudden they were helping them, giving them food etc. seems the right way to live to
  24. Never been to France, might do that next year. Can you camp in France? Fancy that idea.
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