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About Fennster16

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 17/10/1979

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  1. Am in the same boat as you. My little Jill isnt but she had a massive tumour removed last week on her ovaries (we actually thought it was stomach cancer like her mum) my other looks like a little lightbulb, same behaviours hobs curled round the box she now wont let him in. The others vet is 99% sure she is We got him from a ferret rescue, didnt want kits, was vasectomised feb as their 6 now looks like we are having them Didnt have a problem with my last hob
  2. Omg! Kits everywhere like little germlins! My other wasnt however she ended up having a massive tumour remived from her ovaries. Her sister defo looks pregnant ?
  3. Hi Just abit of advice really. In september my vasectomised hobb snoop passed. Having 2 older workers at 6 (no longer worked) i didnt want to put them through an op. So we adopted a vasectomised male ferret. Waited extra over the time for it to put him in, we had papers to say he had been done. My ferret today looks quite rounded and her nipples are swelling she just wolfed the eggs and cat milk ive put in. She has had phantom pregnancies before but not to this extent? More mothering her sister around the cage. Could it be another phantom or has his vasectomy failed? There doesnt ap
  4. no must be something in there to the left of the nail there's a small hole where it oozes out a little stuff Might have had a thorn or something stuck in it? Has the new antibiotics worked?
  5. No just the back legs (and we didnt get to see the xrays which i thought was strange even though i asked) the vet doing her hydro does feel it maybe the middle of her back and looking at her today compared to pictures a year ago shes not has flat backed. Back there thursday for another session will discuss this with her.Thank you
  6. I dont want her on it but when shes not shes alot worse. Heaving herself up on her front legs. Only been on it daily now about 6 weeks and shes due a blood test soon. Its strange its like when she gets up she has pins and needles in her legs and shes holding them close together. But lost alot ofuscle on her back leg, she gone from having 3 hour walks and longer to 15-30 min walks.
  7. I have a bearded collie/greyhound lurcher now 8 1/2 years old for the last 6 months, noticed starting to struggle getting up, not running as well and lost muscle in her hind legs (also now putting weight on even though have reduced her feed) Had xrays done as the knee as a pronounced bump but they found nothing. Now on metacam daily and having hydrotherapy with 3 30 min walks per day. However there appears to be no improvement, still stiff getting up. Getting into the car. And the vet now thinks it might be spinal? (Consultant was mentioned) not herself at all and tbh dont want her on the amo
  8. Tea tree in water, then Salvon or vet powder drys anything up that stuff
  9. 200 quid for basically a over furry ferret...am in the wrong job me

  10. Think i would rather soend the £950 on the sugar glider than the ferrets
  11. Will be leaving the dogs at home, made that mistake earlier asking if I could come on land with my Lurcher, def no straight away, didn't click it was because a lot of farmers don't like dogs on their land, plus if your running dogs on the farmers land other people might think they can do it, strictly be asking ferrets and nets till I get on. She was in the car when i went and they asked to see her. I have permissions on a shoot and their ok with her as long as she is collared near the chicks and we done go there when they arrive. I always ask where they want me and dont on the land, so not to
  12. on a twilight tonight and i seriously cant be bothered

  13. Mine was near 2 years old for her first season bearded/greyhound. Plus cause the weather season are getting later can effect bitches seasons. Some if worked wont come into season until had a good break. Still time
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