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good king henry

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About good king henry

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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    anywhere i want

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  1. nice bit of clearance work round the pens. and i have on good authority all done with the landowners permission wouldn't make a certain person upset now would we.
  2. i have a lot of permission to shoot? It doesn't matter if it's a rifle, shotgun or catapult? I suppose you only ever see pheasants when the mere minions are pushing them over you? Beleave it or not some people do have good relationships with landowners that are hard earned thru showing respect and doing the job that's asked of them as and when it's needed. This way friendships are built and trust is built. With this I've got several farms to shoot over with several woods with the odd release pen and plenty of feeders dotted about. Do you know what it costs me? F ALL!I shoot a good 200 birds a
  3. LMFAO , ive never heard so much crap in all my life, what land owner in his right mind is gonna give permission for you to take phes with a catty, excuse me lord so and so do you mind if me and my mates come to your wood and shoot your highly prized birds worth a lot of money to you and your paying guests with are cattys and not give you a penny for them, B@LL@CKS.
  4. nice take, was you on foot or driving the lanes.
  5. watch out you've just alerted every copper and keeper on here mate lol , cant be that many shoots in your local area there all be on high alert now good luck.
  6. Aha I don't blast them from close range just not worth it because it makes it too easy. I missed quite a few more than I hit. On the floors the hardest way to shoot I think no offence intended with this comment just a little advice, but with that first part of the comment is what is gonna get ya caught one day and makes you sound like an amateur. ive got 30+ years of catty shooting and pot filling under my belt and in the circles i mix in any man worth their salt will tell ya to go for the so called easy shots, no matter how close, don't consider it unsporting because sport has
  7. if your shooting big leads like they are 14-16mm you wanna be looking at green dub dub , dankung 5080 , or looped 2050.
  8. 10mm lead and 44cal, 9.5steel for practice ammo
  9. you'll be better off with 5080 or looped 2050 more power in them, but even then i would only go for the head or neck.
  10. pen knife and a bit of sandpaper and some elbow grease thats all you need to make a catty, gotta remember cattys a working tool not a showpiece, no point making a catty with all the expensive tools and being to scared to use it. worrying that you'll scratch it or get a fork hit or get it dirty.
  11. small and fast ammo works great for woodies 9.6 lead up to 44 cal lead is perfect, has just the right balance of penatatrive damage and blunt force, over that size and some may disagree i personally find you get more flyers.
  12. one of the best catty hunting vids on the net imo.
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