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Everything posted by Tomhill131

  1. Try a1 decoy I think they are about £40 quid
  2. Tempted to take dog out tonight but ran him last night and don't want to overdo it , you guys reckon he will be fine?
  3. Flash fire 175mm variable 100w halogen bulb. 12v 12ah battery .
  4. Hi lads need some advice am coming up to Newcastle for the great north run ! Anyone know of somewhere I can pitch a tent? Not paying over 100 quid for a hotel room for the night! Cheers Tom
  5. Welcome! Where abouts are you based?
  6. Cheers lads let me know what you think of it! If your stuck for any recipes hit me up got a huge stockpile of nice ones!
  7. Mines 11 months now taking him out for his first go on the lamp tonight!
  8. Thanks guys really appreciate the help. Will let you know how it goes. Atb Tom
  9. Lovely looking dog am a big fan of that coloring !
  10. Great company got a new lamp from them today , over the moon with it . Atb Tom
  11. Just thought I would post up about new lamp I bought today! £81.99 for a 100 watt 175mm variable halogen lamp with battery 12v 12ah all connectors and charger , got a good solid 300 meter beam and service was great , can't wait to get out and use it!! Would definitely recommend them to other people! Atb Tom
  12. No mate shower daily , is it just something he will grow out of?
  13. Would this make him bite my feet which is what he's doing?
  14. Hi need some advice I have an 11 month old saluki x grey and he keeps biting my feet when we are out walking and his teeth are bleeding sharp and it hurts and getting really fed up of it , I have given him no reason to fear feet, tell him no sternly whenever he does it and he will either be fine for rest of the walk or will do it again in 5 minutes he isn't aggressive , seems to be when he's really excited, he has been out on lamp last week but didn't slip him on anything as to tight to the hedge am going Wednesday I don't know if its because he is getting frustrated as he wants to start hunti
  15. Found the link for the co-op herts store if its any use http://www.storelocate.co.uk/co-op-food/bishops-rise.html
  16. Might not be a massive help but if you have a co-op or John thorners I picked up a load of chicken at 50p for hall kilo , minced ox heart for around a pound and beef mince with offal for 70p per half kilo dunno if that's cheap but all I'm able to get round by me. Atb Tom
  17. Yea it has the option for handheld but can be scope mounted and has flood and focus beam settings
  18. Hi lads need a bit of advice on budget lamp i know we have an equiptment section buf its pretty quite and going to get the lamp tomorow so need quick advice . got two I'm looking at both at shops were I can go see them first Looking at the shootalite sl2? Or an un branded 100w 175mm halogen similar style to 170 non variable type and its from a1 decoy Any advice greatly appreciated . Can post links if required Atb Tom
  19. Hi lads need a bit of advice on budget lamp got two I'm looking at both at shops were I can go see them first Looking at the shootalite sl2? Or an un branded 100w 175mm halogen similar style to 170 non variable type and its from a1 decoy Any advice greatly appreciated . Atb Tom
  20. Hot water crust rabbit pie is always a good one , take the meat off the bone keep it chunky add some hardy root veg like swede , parsnip , carrots and onion a few redcurrants some thyme salt and pepper , line a Victoria sponge spring release tin with pastry put filling in and slightly compress it, top with pastry lid stab hole in the top egg wash ,into the oven at 200 for 20 minutes then down to 180 for another 90 minutes take it out nice crusty pastry and beautiful tender juicy insides. Just exchange rabbit for the venison it's a general game recipe! Atb Tom
  21. Like the sound of that one. be one for the coming months Am a chef it always goes down well with the punters!
  22. Tomhill131


    Be Sod's law the government claim it would be un pc or against there human rights to deny them entry and screw over the lot of us .
  23. Tomhill131


    Religious groups will be claiming god is reaping vengeance on heathens !
  24. I was dubious about standard pet insurance but couldn't find anywhere to get it let alone at reasonable cost . Tom
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