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Everything posted by rusty206

  1. Hey mate. Its not the kitten season over here in Australia, so I don't think there'll be any problems with that. ATB
  2. Hey everyone. Lost my ferret yesterday afternoon down a small 4 holer. Heard a lot of rumbling underground then it all stopped for a bit. Waited for about an hour, by this time it was starting to get dark, heard a bit more rumbling and a rabbit bolted out, I was expecting the ferret to follow, but nothing. Plugged up all the holes and left some of his bedding in the hole, went back this morning and the bedding was gone, so I'm presuming he dragged it down the hole tried smoking him out, still nothing. We put a bit of wire down the holes just to see if we could feel the blanket or anything but
  3. That's them, jill on the left, and the hob on the right. I've been letting them out each day to have a bit of a run around in the backyard. They seem to be getting on quite well.
  4. Thanks for the help everyone, yes the jill was born is December. And I live in australia if that helps any. I'll try and take some pictures and upload them if I can figure out how. Might just work the hob by himself.
  5. Hello all, this may sound like an extremely dumb question. But I need an answer, hopefully taking my new hob out ferreting this weekend, along with my jill. Now I've had my jill and my hob in the same cage etc, the jill is roughly about 5 months, and the hob 18. Now I know that my jill is Definately not in season, so would it be alright when I'm out ferreting to put both of them down the same warren? Or would they try and mate and just stuff around? As I said earlier, I know this sounds like a dumb question, but I just want to do the best for my ferrets.
  6. Thanks mate, don't suppose you could tell me how to post some pictures?
  7. Top pigs mate! Congrats! Where abouts did ya get them? If you don't mind me asking?
  8. New to this forum.. This might sounds a bit stupid. But could anyone give me a bit of a rundown on how to post pictures? Cheers. Much appreciated.
  9. G'day mate, I to am a new member! Really enjoying it here!
  10. G'day everyone. My name is charlie, I'm from australia. I quite enjoy hunting, I've got 3 ferrets. And also enjoy a bit of fox and rabbit shooting, and chasing pigs with my dogs. I've only just recently got my ferrets, and have been taking them out as regularly as I can. They have been going quite well. I have been reading a lot of information on this forum, and thought hey, why not join. So that's what I did. hopefully get up some photos soon of my hunting... If I can figure out how
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