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Everything posted by rusty206

  1. Thanks fellas, gave a couple of vets a call and none of them offer the jill jab, cheers fellas
  2. Hello everyone, I'm a bit of a beginner here and was just after a bit of advice and help with my 2 female ferrets, So about 2 weeks ago I borrowed a mates hob and put him in with one of my jills for about 12 hours, and I did the same again with the other ferret. So it has been 2 weeks now and it seems that one of the ferrets has successfully come out of season but the other one still seems to have a swollen vulva but it looks dry, so would this mean that I should put her back in with the hob again? Or should I wait and see if her vulva starts to decrease in size? Thankyou in advance
  3. Thanks mate that would be good, none of my mates, or any of the people I've gone ferreting with use locators either. But I thought it might be worth getting one. ATB Rusty206
  4. Thanks for the advice everyone
  5. Thanks everyone, could anyone suggest where I could get one from? The cheapest price possible? I'm after a brand new one.
  6. Thinking about it a bit more, I think I might as well splash out and buy a brand new one.
  7. Ok thanks everyone, I think I'll go with that one on ebay, I was watching some videos with the mk3 finder, and it looked quite easy to use, giving you the depth and everything without having to turn the wheel thing
  8. While having a look through ebay uk I found these, I know it's only the mk 1, but are they any good? Has anyone had any experience with these? http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/171336342054?nav=SEARCH# Another question, would you find the 8ft adequate for a weekend ferreter?
  9. Hey everyone, now as some of you probably already know, I lost my big hob on Wednesday last week. So I've decided its time to invest in a locator, I was thinking the MK3 and was just after everyone's opinion? Does anyone know of any places in Australia that I could purchase one? Or would I have to order one off the net? I have also been told that some people attach bells to a collar when ferreting, instead of using a locator? I was just wondering would this cause the rabbits to bolt as soon as they hear the bells? Or would it not really do anything unless above ground? Anyway I'm mainly intres
  10. Not yet mate, I've been leaving some food in the burrow and blocking it up, but all the foods still there, I've been checking for the last few days. So I'd say he's gone.
  11. I've seen them come out bottle brushed a few times, but I tend to not use them in the middle of summer for that reason. But one of my older ferrets has killed a snake when it tried climbin into his hutch.
  12. Yeah get a few snakes, but its going into winter over here so there all in hibernation
  13. I think I'll just unblock all the holes tommorow, as I've tried everything and no sign, even after digging up half the warren
  14. Thanks mate, he's about 18 months old, and never done anything like this before. I've been told to use smoke by many people that I've been out with, but I guess there wrong. Thanks for ya help mate
  15. Yeah. You can get one for 100 quid where you are. 465 over here
  16. There was a blanket dragged down the whole, so I doubt he's stuck. Yeah mate. And if I asked my 14 year old son watt he thought of locators. He'd tell ya. I'm not to keen on putting another ferret down in case I lose it as well, but thanks for ya input. And sorry.
  17. Right big fella. Not everyone's a rich little c**t like you and gets everything handed to them. Constructive critiscim only. Or get the f**k off. I don't think a rabbit would tow the fuckinh blanket down the hole. I'm sorry for all the language. But dont f**k me around. You could f**k off to an aussie ferreting forum, learn your trade there, as it seems we do it different here. Im not rich, but I own a locator and 4 collars, one for each ferret that goes to ground. Simple.So much for a great forum with nice people as I was told. As I said before. It's hard to get locators over here, you can
  18. Right big fella. Not everyone's a rich little c**t like you and gets everything handed to them. Constructive critiscim only. Or get the f**k off. I don't think a rabbit would tow the fuckinh blanket down the hole. I'm sorry for all the language. But dont f**k me around. You could f**k off to an aussie ferreting forum, learn your trade there, as it seems we do it different here. Im not rich, but I own a locator and 4 collars, one for each ferret that goes to ground. Simple. So much for a great forum with nice people as I was told. As I said before. It's hard to get locators over here, you can
  19. Right big fella. Not everyone's a rich little c**t like you and gets everything handed to them. Constructive critiscim only. Or get the f**k off. I don't think a rabbit would tow the fuckinh blanket down the hole. I'm sorry for all the language. But dont f**k me around.
  20. Just outside Canberra mate, where about did you get your locator from? And did you find it hard to get?
  21. If his stuck behind the rabbit, that doesn't explain why the bit of his beddings gone.
  22. Right mate. I'm from australia, and its extremely hard to get locators and long nets, and all the other crap you guys have over here. I don't know one person in my area that has a ferret locator. So what's that telling ya!!! I smoked the ferret, then left the holes opened while I waited for about an hour, and then blocked them again. I'm just trying to get my ferret out, not cause arguments.
  23. Sorry pal my fault. Just keep scanning the area and maybe put some mink type traps around. Hope you find it pal Not a problem mate, you weren't to know. I've just been scanning the area and having a look each morning and afternoon.
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