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Everything posted by Rez

  1. Walshie. For f’sake boss. I wish you’d allow the like button on your account.
  2. Without having ‘properly’ looked into it.... I’m wondering if any of you know the law on shooting a FAC air gun in ya garden? Got the chance to get me sen an old school eliminator, filthy cheap... the gardens 35yards, 40 max, with a decent backstop for just general shooting with all my rifles... paper, brick surround, carpet then a 3mm 1m by 1m steel panel behind that. Obviously nothing that I own at the minute gets by the brick layer. Can I apply for a ticket for shooting on my own land? Naturally happy for the old bill to check it before hand like. It’s just “most tickets” are for someone el
  3. Don’t know if you’ve bagged one yet but there’s a couple on gunstar molehhh.
  4. That second picture mate. Proper decent. He looks a right pest controller from the car.
  5. Decent rifle work marko... in the conditions these past few days. Had me own targets up in the garden just today, but poi was 4 inch off. So packed up and went indoors ? Maybe my favourite of your collection already. Ya jammehhh sod.
  6. Init though. When you consider pellets, targets, new bits and bobs. Not to mention fuel getting to a from the club or perm. BASC insurance. Scopes. Spinners. Gun maintained stuff. The odd new rifle that you know you don’t need but just want. Jess: “you on that f****n gunstar again?!” Me: “No babe. Looking at holidays for us...” ?
  7. Simons post made me think. Chinky B2. S300. Lightning. Scorpion. 100 x 2 Fenman. The one I miss. 98 x 2. 97. Longbow. Rapid x 3 HM1000. 45. 99.
  8. Jesus Christ. Endless scrollin... Expensive habit init. They don’t tell ya that when ya dad buys ya first one for 30 quid as a 10 year old. ”Son. Enjoy it kid. But this might start a 1000 pound a year habit, at least, when your older....” Looking back. Another one ?
  9. I know. I was just worried that all they’ve done is sit it in a grey pepper lam stock... and will charge an extra ton for it. To be fair, I’m talking me sen round. I suppose it would be mint as a bench queen ?
  10. ? Bloody hell its mint init. A proper vintage pest slayer. Might you know any detail bout it’s past? if only the lightning was a decent as the rifle in the pix ??? we might be waiting a little while for a sunny day. good buy that mark, can see your chuffed... it’s already in ya sig.
  11. Seems HW are on the lam sporter road. Not sure what’s been upgraded action wise... I’ve asked. If it’s just the frame that’s been updated, seems a bit of a cop out when the standard woodwork or synthetic shape was just fine. Mod seems a new shape mind. link below and also quick screen capture.
  12. Ahhhh. Bugger. Sorry. That’s my fault. It’s not really that there gay, they just like exploring each other’s vents and that. To bring it back to the hunting side of things, Jesus, Dan, the ones that takes it, mate, he is a proper predator. I’ve never witnessed a better hunter. He’s the static hunter type. Wait for that moment and that, and then strike, hard and fast. ? I assume you’ve got this rifle on freeads, gun star and trader? It looks mint so it will go. I can just imagine you in the lurcher threads... “lads, DO NOT go in the airgun section, there all f’k up” ?
  13. Any pics boss? If my memory is correct the Axsor runs on the same Raider framework which is no bad thing init. There’s a raider sitting on the self at Wragby guns, and Jesus Christ does it pull my eye when I walk in. Every sodding time. “I’ll do you a deal on it.. No. I’ve come for pellets” It’s the proper mk1 2 shot version too. I hate to say it these days, but with all this new tech coming about quicker than a rabbit on its mrs, and though that’s great, it’s all a bit samey, the older stuff is really becoming more appealing.
  14. ? yeah. I did. Burning one now. F’sake. Oh well. Got a do at the weekend, two of Jess’ gay mates got engaged... ???? so after that I’ll get my fengshuwayyy in order.
  15. Yes mate. Just a big fat f’kin yes. You find it online? Jesus, chompin at the bit now to see it. It’s older than me ? I’ll see what’s on the web mate. Should be loads... I say that but I bet there’s no decent ones. In fact Simons got one, his is on a ticket though. Just shows how proper they are, built for throwing lead around 20 FPE... so sub 12, it’ll be like a just chillin on every shot.
  16. Uber clean these days... the old fengshuway can’t do it anymore.
  17. Ahhhh naps ya get ? Savage rabbit ground in the summer that. Got me sen a new one too. Gonna have a butchers this weekend. All the best me old china.
  18. Sorry mate. I was rather buggered last night. Got me mrs to type the post as I said it. ‘What cal is it...? It doesn’t say...’ ?
  19. What cal is it mukka? Out of interest for a friend of mine at the club like.
  20. Some rifle use there mate. Soft spot for that model.
  21. Nice one marko. What distance you all set for? Show us ya hide when it’s all set up mate.
  22. Might you have a link to anything where I can get one?
  23. I thought the same until I picked up this latest HW.
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