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Everything posted by Rez

  1. Gotta be one of the Hawke Range for that much mate... A mildot system would be perfect for that R10 of yours.
  2. Yes. I hear that. Bet no diagrams exist of the way its built..........
  3. Furthermore. Does anyone know what the stocks actually made from and will it file down? I'm thinking if filing a small thumb up position into the stock, just behind the action. Thanks in advance.
  4. First time out at the club this evening with the 97. Firstly. I can see what all the fuss is about. After spending an hour or two with my 98, which went well, I thought let's have a bash. First few shots were different to my 98, to be expected, but it might be down to the calibre change and no v-Mach kit, it's brand new too, 200 shots in. I'm so used to the 177 flight too, pretty much straight @ 25-35 yards, the 22 from a spring rifle is sum what different. Naturally. 98/177 felt like I was punching holes with a needle in the target, the 97/22 kinda made me think of throwing a small s
  5. At targets yes mate. Might be the wrong section my man. Hunting one would be the one. It may be moved by admins.
  6. Second the post above mate. HW for the win IMO. Well broke in one too. Lovely.
  7. AA for sweeter box rifle. HW for tuning. Shoulder them both... Shoot them both.
  8. Just got one in 22... FTT's mate. Fit like they were made for the barrel imo. Others will suggest others but perhaps each barrel is slightly different. FTT's in both my HW's tbh. Actually, Im testing these Accupel FT's atm, tight but jesus there consistant in my .177 98, sound like little missiles too on route to the target.
  9. I don't think the 3" will make a difference... 19 will just be as accurate as the 21. And imo that's what it's all about. Perhaps easier to cart about the 19. Long story short, I don't know. Personally I prefer the shorter set ups. Something to do with fsp @ muzzle no doubt.
  10. Indeed. I am happy Ive got it. Its a great rifle from what Ive read and the short time Ive spent with it. The potential is flammin' plain to see to be honest. I'll run it in, get the bolloxs tuned off it. Then sell the rest Apart from the 98. And the scorpion. Might send this to someone for a proper look at. Hows best re the 97? Solware seems to get a good review. In Lincoln myself so it would be good to go to the closest reputation.
  11. Villaman. You recommend I stick these through my 97? Using H&N FTT's at the moment and they seem to fit the barrel very well indeed.
  12. Agreed. I'm gonna have to get rid of one. The BSA lightening can definitely go. Took a few shits with the 97. Smooth. Much less recoil than my 98 was in .177, to be expected. Tis nice though Edit. Ment shots.
  13. Bloody ell ruthless... Just bin and picked it up. Wish you'd of come along sooner. It's still in its box though at the minute. Happy really. See how I get on. Fits like a glove.
  14. Ahhhh. Bollox. I knew this would be the case... Bloody bad idea asking this forum
  15. Came by a new HW97KT Blackline stainless yesterday in .22. If the mrs and the dog weren't with me I'd of bought it. But she made me think... "Do you need it?" Of which made me ponder. Do I? As many of you will have been through, you nip over to the shop for pellets, something 'cheap' and you see a new rifle, you've always had your eye on, you come across one and theres that moment...... Even though you perhaps dont actually need it, your that close to spending near on 500 beans. I notice some members have 77's, 95's, 97's and 98's all in the cupboard. My question is do I actually need
  16. Sorry to hear the effort man. Im guessing that people just go through the pain with all manufacturers/importers... its just you've voiced your headache with this one. They do need to sort it out by the sounds of it. Are your springers running well? Maybe HC's build system only works with the more 'robust' products such as springers. PCP's are far more complicated, both a positive and negative as perhaps shown in this case.
  17. As above. As well as about 200 quid. As an edit, I'd actually prefer the 200, just as accurate and personally, I much prefer the 'target-influenced' woodwork. The pistol grip is a delight.
  18. Oily rag. Extended sunshade funnily enough. Pisses me off with rain spot on the glass.
  19. Update to my previous post. Ive found that Fields are very good and well recommend, but in .22 my SE is literally pellet on pellet with H&NFTT's. As mentioned in another post, Fields and Exacts can be a bit 'soft' and deform easily, I think there made at the same place as it happens. Even in the fingers. Trophies do not. Atb.
  20. I've recently caught up with the old Air Gun World magazine, having left the world of 'Airgunner' long ago reading the likes of John Darling and his exploits, and I quite like it, there's some fabulous articles in the past two months downloaded on the iPad... Well recommended for those who haven't read them. Interesting foreword by Terry Doe in the July edition, and I quote for the spring fans... "Spring guns represent the teacher that wouldn't allow any messing around in class, yes, we prefer the easy-going ones, but the strict ones taught us far more." Thoughts I'd share that with y
  21. Beast of a rifle. Looks like it left the factory yesterday. Nice shooting and day by the looks of it.
  22. Best of luck with it all mate. You certainly have the gear for the job.
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