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Everything posted by Rez

  1. Perhaps just one of those things... Not everything is perfect build wise, not even a 410. Epically savage at finding its mark though. How much was a new magazine just out if interest?
  2. I would have to say that the best times in my own areas, particularly this summer, defiantly evening to late evening. Feathered quarry, defiantly evening, they are just too fidgety after a sleep first thing in the morning. Can't really be arsed last thing in the evening.
  3. It's flaming lovely that... Miss the old school theobens. 90's for the win.
  4. Good shooting chaps... No gore?! what's the story with you lot, you doin the pest control as a hobby with an aim, or professionally? Your bags always seem to be rather larger than the odd one or two..?
  5. I'm guessing you mean focus. I think most the up market glass features some sort of focus, whether it be side or objective. Personally I prefer the side focus. Although back in the day, the objective with range markings, 25, 30 and 35 yards etc helped with judging distance. So adjustable for me, be it side or objective. The hft lads will all be in for adjustable for sure. Fixed perhaps helps with ratting and when quick shots should be taken.
  6. Maybe he could look at getting hold of a tuned second hand 98 Skot
  7. Ha. I'll get on with it and see how it goes... Nice one for all the help.
  8. Thinking about developing a smartphone app about this at work having seen it. Could catch on for the lot of us when we're a bit bored. Might have to get you opinions on it later on down the line when it's being developed... Just need to the time, with paid work coming first. Maybe there is something already out there, I haven't done an in depth search mind.
  9. It's out. Sorted. Thanks for the input chaps. Just getting the right sizes damn punch helped, came straight out after a trip to machine mart this morning. So. Cracking this end part... Does it matter which way to tug it? The rifle is left hand side facing me as I look down at it, muzzle end to my left.
  10. That's a fair point. Out of sight, out of mind. I'll get down to machine mart tomorrow with it and see what they say, once it's out once, I'm hoping it be fine in the future. Looks almost welded in, but the under lever moves so that can't be the case.
  11. There's a slight 'towards me' curve, unsure of the correct term, or was, it's knocked off now. The general consensus is to hit it harder... Seems so wrong against the nickel finish... F'kinel.
  12. You mean just give the pin a whack skot? Should I be worried about any items bending?! I can't believe there isn't a removal tool for such problems, like a twist/push jobby.
  13. Evening all. Has anyone had an experience with the strip down and clean of the 97kt? I'm assuming lots have. I was having a look at the internals, no install of any kits, maybe just a clean of various parts, and I can't get any further, quite literally, than the under lever pivot pin. It will not budge! At all. And with risk of knocking the nickel finish... I'm stuck. I have a punch, but no joy. What might be any advice to remove it? It would be much appreciated. I hear, or remember that the under lever doesn't actually have to be removed to get to the piston and cylinder etc? It j
  14. I'd say any of your current spring rifles would suffice... From what I remember you have a selection of top hw's. The rifles mentioned above will hit kills zones all day, but if you won't then there isn't any point splashing out for such 'quip. Your 95 will do you justice as you know it and it's trajectory etc. As you get more consistent and feel like your out performing in your rifle, upgrade. I use a 98 for hft as an end point.
  15. Perhaps hitting the 1" kill zone every time. I find that shooting off hand, unsupported, comes down to regularly doing it. The more your shooting unsupported, the more the required muscles will develop that are need for steady hold/technique. Many times has the mrs caught me just shouldering my hw's for no apparent reason.
  16. Hi man. New or second hand? I notice from my favourites that this site might help you out... https://www.gunspares.co.uk/products/24562/HW35/
  17. Is that weighty? It's looks highly sharp.
  18. Nooooooooooo. It's good glass, but it's nice to "look" at other makes and models.
  19. Has the recent thread 'Brains blown out' been locked, deleted or moved? Doing the usual morning browse of THL and I noticed its gone? Can admin shed any light on this if its has... Thanks in advance.
  20. This one was posted before... hence my post.
  21. Just bought one myself, off the cuff to be honest, and its rather superb if I do say so. Twangy, but to be expected. Lovely to hold, point-ability is second to none, even with its bulky weight. Highly recommended. Highly. I plan on tuning it in the near future, and cant wait to use it...
  22. Evening all. I was wondering what shot count you people with Scorpion SE's we're getting and what fill you put in? I notice the power curve drop dramatically around the last 25-30 shots, like 2-3 inches @ 30 yards. Perhaps understandable. But it's off to the left and right, not taking into account wind speeds etc. I fill mine to 190 bar, I know I can get more in, but again, yourselves? I find the sweet spot @ 190 bar maybe 10 shots in and I get 25-30 bang on ones, which works out about right, as that leaves me with about 30 shots drop off (as I'm not filling to the maximum 230 bar,
  23. Highly recommend this item mate... Got one installed by myself, I don't know how it worked out, and it's transformed the rifle. Search online and order one over the phone. You will not be disappointed. www.airguntuning.com or something like that.
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