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Everything posted by Rez

  1. Indeed what this forum is for. Does it drop rabbits? What actually makes you think it's under power?
  2. Ha. It looks the dog bollox mate.
  3. Looks sound that 98 man. No sling too... bloody heavy with that glass
  4. Point taken villaman. The thought has been there about that. I'll swop on my SAK and do a testy. Got an adaptor from best fittings.
  5. Does anyone have moderators attached to there 97's? What would you recommend? Im leaning towards the SAK Mod like on my SE only because I know how they are but if there is anything better... Maybe even a decent stubby... Im looking for a mod to go up front of my KT, I understand that it will never get rid of the noise from the internal mechanics, but help out muzzle end. Thanks in advance.
  6. Rez

    New Shoot

    Do it man. That SE was an 'off the cuff buy' really, and to be honest, I was selling it a few months ago, but its come on nice now and perfect for me as a game rifle. Feels proper light after an afternoon with HW's. Even with the kit bag on the cheekpiece.
  7. No close ups Just a mooch round the new shoot... 48 acre one. Never had such a large area to cover. Whats others methods for roost shooting pigeons just out of interest? I had planned to sit and wait under a moody tree for the buggers to come in late one evening, but found no real luck after dropping the first one shown here. Walking back I noticed two rabbits on the track. Also shown here.
  8. Agreed with all above, but maybe the same as every other field rifle...
  9. Na!! They're over rated and only for those with more money than sense Nice going Rake Daystate next then... Jokes. Got enough bloody rifles.
  10. That 100 is so fine man. Love the black and walnut look.
  11. These 97kt stocks with thumb up position are so needed...
  12. Fair enough man. A day state next then...
  13. Sound write up and images mate. Proper.
  14. Might want to try best fittings. Might find one there. www.bestfittings.co.uk
  15. Without a hint of doubt... Trophies mate. Tried accupell ft and found them to be so precise, but really tight in the barrel. They really did sound like little missiles too. I haven't tried others as the results with trophies are so sound. As an edit, I notice your cal is .22 but my 97 in .22 uses them to the same effect.
  16. Do you think you 'really' notice the lock time? I don't own any daystate and haven't really had more than 50 shots from one with an electronic system, but have to be honest, the lock time in any well made and looked after outfit isn't noticeable...
  17. Good lad. You will not regret it. Get it in bits, clean and polish the relevant parts and it'll be another rifle yet again. A pleasure to own and shoot, once mastered, sod the imp. And it looks better
  18. If you can do the tune yourself like Skot. It somehow makes the rifle your own, and perhaps a bit more precious in a gay way. You also learn alot by doing it yourself, and you can be sure everything is greased and lubed how you you want.
  19. As my previous post in the other forum. Bare in mind si is a bloody good shot. What he makes look easy is rather a skill.
  20. 97 mate. It's gonna ruffle some feather here but a real tuned one, like with its bollox tuned off will out shoot an imp, shooter influenced of course. Hold um, get to shoot the both. The imp is lighter and probably a better field rifle though. Owning a 97kt, I would highly recommend one. Shot a perfect round with it last night at the hft course. Smile = ear to ear. Either will be so sound.
  21. If you don't have a ticket, below 12 I'm guessing you do, I'd run it @ 15 max, but the extra range wouldn't be worth it. Calibre?
  22. What's it like weight wise? Diana's have always been fat chicks. Real heavy, might be psychological mind.
  23. I would second the bloody imp. Epic rifle... Master it and nothing will be out of range. Within reason.
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