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Everything posted by Rez

  1. Hi all. I'm after a non FAC Mk1 later edition Rapid 7 in ambi. Hopefully in mint condition and anti tampered. Ideally with Evo mod and can either be in 177 or 22. No need for optics. Lincolnshire area. Many thanks.
  2. The patriot is an old skool rabbit basher I have never encountered. I remember one of the hunters using one from the old airgunner magazine back in the day, Paul something. Cant say it'll have much finesse, but it'll damn do the job. Might kick somewhat.
  3. 11.12 @ 97 and 11.63 @ 98 mate as an average.
  4. Good lad. V-mach'd 97's... Competition eliminators basically. Got the two washers in mine two.
  5. Ha. Its just an idea at the minute. Im a bit sick of 'choice' to be honest, i dont know which to take. HFT and target, the 98, field use... I need one rifle. Where are these serial site MickC? I have the serial. Nice one.
  6. Second that man, proper nice post this. Good images too.
  7. Evening all. I'm having a look at a rapid mk1 at the weekend, the later model mk1, it's ambi, 12 mag and 400cc bottle. I'm not sure about the state close up but it does look in absolutely mint condition and I'm told it has the odd dint from field use, which is to be expected, it's kinda like the owner doesn't know the gem he's sitting on (it's topped with a sterling 3-9, no offence to the sterling owners, I own one myself, but it doesn't warrant a 60 quid product). Anyway. What should I be looking for when viewing it? Any major issues? It's got the evo mod, again, everything looks great. I
  8. I love the look of the super carbine mate, it's just the major shit issue with BSA is that they don't do a lefty in the model. The R10 I've found is a unique lefty hand version, in mint condition. The other two in my list, fortunately are ambi. Don't get me started with the manufacturers not catering for the left hand shooters.
  9. Gonna get a rapid anyway. Ha. I don't flammin know... I need to consolidate my 4 to 2. Field rifle, and a target/hft jobby. The 98 has to be my target rifle, no question the way we got on against the knock downs. The field rifle is the issue. I really would like a pcp for some reason, but feel I get more enjoyment from a rifle that would give feedback, accuracy not being a concern as it's a given. So, I am toying with an evo in 177 I've clocked too... The gas ram could be a the question, but then it's to close to a springer but with a different feedback. It's all up in the air at the momen
  10. Kin 100's. There everywhere, and to be honest, all I see is 100's on pods... Maybe there not as pointable either. The most pointable rifle I have myself is the 97kt. Which is a shame as it is rather weighty as we know. Anyway... The reg things interesting. It's either this or a mk1 rapid I'm currently interested in. No doubt I should go for the rapid.
  11. Someone need to develop a over barrel mod for the 97. A shroud look. Opening along the bottom would be the issue due to the lever... But god it would sell like hot cakes...
  12. Ha. I was being a tit... it's on the flamin money as per.
  13. Indeed. It does look a little different that ultra... Almost Air Arms's like... A mini 410 or something. Could be the colour of the image.in what way does it look different . The colour of the image, as stated it's dark and rich blue, the stock looks grained and all walnuty.
  14. I'm toying with the idea of px'ing two of mine. The reason I think the cost is such is that it's a lefty... Which is dead rare, it's the first one I've come across since wanting one. It's a shame they don't produce left hand versions?! Bloody manufacturers need to be shot in relation to this. Anyway. I'll be looking into it. Looks the bomb, I'm a bit worried about it getting wet, mukey etc, but can't keep it wrapped in cotton wool.
  15. The Gordy lads do a good strip and clean video... You've probably seen it. Good luck with it all.
  16. Managed to get up the shoot again this arvo (not the mrs'!) After a quick zero session in the tractor shed, I got out, again, not a rabbit or bird to be seen. I'm unsure if I'm just doing a good job. It was generally like being on a hft course while I was walking about, where I found myself plinking at targets throughout the wood, getting my distances sorted for the next outings. The one chap I did come across, the grey shown the in the image, was taken at maybe 25 yards, right under the jaw, but the tough little b*****d did need a follow up shot I hate to say. Unusual to find one so agile
  17. Shocking group Jealous. That's all. Nice one.
  18. Get a v-Mach kit and do a polish as we'll mate. The kits are great, literally great. Get yourself on YouTube and watch a few vids. When your kit comes, give the internals a clean, polish if you want, ie wet and dry the piston etc etc make everything smooth and install the kit. That simple. Jesus, when it's back together, those first few shots give you a hard on. Honest.
  19. Thoughts fellas in the R10 Mk2? I'm having a look at one of these next weekend, found one with a left handed stock and generally looks epically kept. I've done the usual research and they seem to be very good. So, real life duties as a field rifle? Is it worth the 650? Opting for the .177 version. It'll be replacing my SE.
  20. Rez


    Thanks chaps. There is always other weekends.
  21. Great read again mac. Just saying... But that shot placement is a bit to far right mate, only by a mill or two but good effort
  22. Indeed. It does look a little different that ultra... Almost Air Arms's like... A mini 410 or something. Could be the colour of the image.
  23. Some of the best wrap jobs I've seen there man. Not really my own thing, but know when they look right. The netting did work though.... Also, how have you slung up your sling, so to speak, it's attached at the top of the butt in the netting image? Like it.
  24. Rez


    Against the grain write up here. Just got back from my shoot with jack all. Thought an early start would prove a good idea, but the heavy rain last night hasn't helped the productivity. Rabbits were far to jumpy, any feathered targets just weren't about so took some pix instead. The only thing I actually shot. Do your own permission have 'best times' to be about?
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