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Everything posted by Rez

  1. I've just read mr smk's story. Great shooting as always. Checking zero of my kt on a small perm I have, an old ladies large garden as it happens who got me over last year to sort the rabbits that we're chewing her new fur trees. The garden backs onto a large field that's not been used for years. I use the field to zero my rifles. Anyway, not been for a while and they seem to be everywhere these rabbits. Not that good shooting to be honest, but happy with half inch to an inch groups, I had a scoot round, light grey jumper, sneaks, not really the usual shooting attire as I didn't expect
  2. Yes mate. Again, I wasn't questioning you, I just wondered... We need to get some scope cams up and see how steady people can hold @ 10 x mag.
  3. Hope you boys dont start kissin'... All these men with their own tents...
  4. Cheers Skot. Ill be the first to jump on this subject then.
  5. No one then?! P'ffffff... Amateurs
  6. Who can actually hold a rifle steady @ 10 x to be honest... it would be interesting to find out. No dig at you timmy, I know a lot of shooters shot @ 10, Im just wondering. I myself, use 2.5 x mag for game, standing shots etc. 6 x for hft.
  7. There's one on gun star mate, private seller. Know I've told you that. I want one in 177. Had a look at one this evening and it was shit. Shame.
  8. Any rifle would be capable of that man... thats more your shooting than the LGU...
  9. Im pretty sure it doesn't SimonC, technically, a few mil maybe due to shooting technique being used to a higher mag, but it is the same 'line of sight'. By zooming in or out doesn't 'bend' the line of site... its infinitely straight. The aim points or mil dots will be different of course, some scopes being set up for 10x = a true inch, 1/2 inch etc. Of course, at 4 mag, that inch will be 6 x less the size. But the POI is the same. Im questioning myself now
  10. Nope. Not unless your mil dots are calibrated. You have to adjust your hold over and under accordingly if there not. Say the rabbit is 35 yards @ 9 x... aim dead on [no wind etc] but say you look at the same target @ 4 x mag, aim dead on. if the rabbit is not at your zero range, you have to judge what an inch is etc etc and adjust accordingly what you think the trajectory is of your pellet.
  11. Afternoon all. Has anyone stripped a Scorpion SE before? Thinking of giving my SE an overhaul, wooden stock, shroud etc upgrade. I notice on the John Knibbs site I can swop stocks but it requires a new gauge adaptor and a 'full strip' of the rifle? Im guessing its wise to completely empty the tank so to speak before doing this? Are they as simple as a springer to strip down? Many thanks in advance.
  12. Take a pic, walk 54 paces.... This is where I shot it from...
  13. I'm up for it... Got a shotgun
  14. Nice post man. I'm guessing you asked for an FAC spring etc from v-Mach? Might be a silly question. What's the kick like?
  15. Rez

    The Edge

    And pictures.
  16. Rez

    The Edge

    I decided to nip up the fields this evening while the mrs was on the couch. With the sun out, even though it was windy, I thought I'd give it a go. The past two occasions have been a fail. Arriving, I noticed that the general feel was more positive. It was warm, but with a gust that was the only issue. Jumped the gate, set up. Feeling really confident at the moment with the 98, so took that. Stashed the slip in a hedge and took to the wooded area that has a few good spots. While on route, I noticed a few rabbits along a field edge that also had a large trailer the farmer had bails on from
  17. Do you ever get bored with shooting rabbits mac?! that bloody raider needs a new challenge. Nice shooting as always.
  18. This is a nice idea man. But in a way, and don't take this the wrong way, essentially, your asking for the contact of members permissions..? To contact for your camping trip. Now, this might sound fine, and of course it is, however, shooters can be rather protective of there permissions as they don't come round that often. To get shooting permission is a big thing and some, not all, are a bit 'why would I potentially give my shoot away?' As you could also ask the land owner for permission yourself. I'm not saying you would, but the thought is there. If it's just camping you want to do,
  19. I find that as soon as your focusing on the target and forget about the rifle, your pellets will be ending up in the backside of each other.
  20. Proper rifle mate. Good choice and enjoy. It'll highlight issues in the shooting technique that you'll soon address. Your gonna be a better shooter for it. Nice one.
  21. What the f**k?!?! Why now? Considering our topic a month ago or so... whats the beef? Someone complained? This has surprised me.
  22. Yes, its one of the older ones. The stock looks like its been sanded in someway. Thats the original shape of the woodwork with half a heart trigger guard. The check piece is an extra added on.
  23. Indeed. I managed to download the iPad version of Airgun Shooter last night for a sneak peak and they literally just described what it had built into it. Everything sounded OK. Ill get some screen grabs taken and uploaded when I get home. The only thing that really did put me off [and it is rather major] is the trigger is plastic as well as the guard and @ 1 stage. I think the latest spring rifles from Walther seem to be fine, but its in the area where perhaps finesse isn't "as needed"... if you know what I mean. The PCP might have traits of the spring rifles but is this a good thing? Othe
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