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Everything posted by Rez

  1. No. Im Lincolnshire though mate. The bugger got me lifting grain out of his yard though the other weekend while he was shovelling into the bucket... Jesus. 7 ton tractor and me at the controls... Im surprised more dont offer it for a fee, but to be honest, I think they have much more important issues and job at hand to think about asking for money for perms. At the end of the day your doing them a favour. Keeping vermin down to a minimum, my perm supplies Tescos with cabbages and tato's so my job is helping feed all you lot with sundeh dinnars. Ha.
  2. Now we're getting into how we cock our rifles...
  3. Lemme guess, your current rifle is 100?
  4. Nice one Pianoman. Just out of interest, would you part with your TX before your HW's? Im not wanting to buy, I just wondered if you had to get rid of one... Im a kinda weird one as Im not actually left handed, Im right handed but left eye dominant. With my 97, this works out really well, as I cock the underlever with my right hand, left hand holding the pistol grip, swop hands, insert the pellet with my left, and the safety is already on the left side of the rifle, which I flick in with my thumb. With the TX range, the breech isn't as accommodating as its not level on both sides [like
  5. Thats all I need Silent... Gonna do it. 5.52 Im guessing?
  6. Does anyone have a lefty HC? Just so I can see a quick pic... I cant seem to find oat online... Nice one.
  7. They're both pretty much the same pellet mate. This is just like general barracuda and magnums to be honest. I have the same issue with air arms fields and jsb exacts. Get a couple of sample tins and find out... I'm gonna have to do the same.
  8. Now this mixes it up a bit... We all have our opinions. I need to get my arse out (when I feel I need a PCP again) and try them both. As an edit, a superten will be it's the fancy R10 we're on about.
  9. I like your idea skot... 100 yards. Maybe not that far but I see what your doing mate.
  10. Does the AA TX200HC in left hand have the bear trap on the left hand side, or is the action the same as the standard HC with just a lefty stock? And as an edit... What's peoples thoughts re the rekord unit vs the air arms unit?
  11. Nuff said. I can imagine that to be honest. With HW's springers being the way they are, I hope the PCP variants will be the same.
  12. Lovely mate... Are there any 100's out there without a pod and don't look like rabbit bashes?!
  13. Gonna go the fields route I'm think... They are for my 97. Nice one villa and Tilly.
  14. 45 yards for me personally. It's the range I know my set up. There are chaps that can take game at 65 on here, but I don't have the confidence just yet. It's never the set up, air rifles will take game easy every day at 65, a good set up anyway, but the only thing that'll let the team down is the shooter.
  15. I'll get saving then. I'll opt for the sporter stock though
  16. Exacts and AA Fields. I know these two brands are literally twins, there made in the same damn factory. Has any one had better results with one other than the other so to speak? I've cleaned the barrel of my HW's and think a change is in order. I'm leaning toward AA Fields 5.52 for my 97 and wondered what other thought of them? Many thanks.
  17. Deep man. Toooooo easy with a 100.
  18. 24 inch helps with FAC models mate. Hence why most have the longer barrel due to power output. (I know some don't before I get shot.) Technically, I'm sure it's preference to be honest, a 19 will be just as accurate as a 24.
  19. It'll still be shit hot mate... The HW build quality is impeccable. It's it old but new, it doesn't make it any less effective. Might be nice to see an old model 97. Originality mate... That's the best bit about it.
  20. It's the most accurate position for me. The prone position brings confidence and with that comes pin hole groups, especially with a make shift peg to anchor my glove too. It's the most used HFT position so if you learn it and learn it we'll, your happily in the knowledge that you drop quite a few knock downs depending on your shooting of course, but it's one item ticked off. Get your body to the floor, get comfy and the rest is down to your skills
  21. And why might that be? Everyone's got 100's man. A good and a bad thing I think.
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