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Everything posted by Rez

  1. At a guess and I don't own a 200 but I would say 15 shots in depending on pressure of fill (think its a 200bar fill but say you only put in 180, your should be bang on the sweet spot) and 40 from there, the remaining 25-30 shots being drop off. Get it over the crono mate and it will reveal all. What makes you ask just out in interest?
  2. If you ever want to get rid of your 10's I want first refusal...
  3. Fancy my new look 97 more than the mrs. Nice one.
  4. 97's. Understated workhorse bitches. Lovely. Sorry to hear your news.
  5. Nice going man. Your actually a good shot then and not just good at fettling...
  6. 'Distinctly average'? It's a quality set up a regal. Whatever people say about Daystate being wank. It's only the bad stories you get on here. For every there 'shit' story, there's a Daystate and huntsman/regal owner larfffin that there DS is performing, or they are as the case maybe. Everyone's got 100's. Two a penny, it's a good thing, don't get me wrong, but any pcp over the 650 mark will only be let down by the shooter. Does that make you a distinctly average shooter? jokes.
  7. Just remember they kick, i missed two but thats the fun of a springer atvbmac :thumbs: Ha. Indeed Mac. Surely that means we've earnt the kill too... The best shots on here take quarry with a springer
  8. Mate. What's your plans tomorrow? Might nip up and pick it up. Need to ask you about that carbon wrap too... Is it in the same condition as shown in that last image man? And will it come with the sling swivel? Nice one mr tease. *teale I ment Oh and pm me your number.
  9. An FAC and take rabbits out to 300 paces... Papahahahahaha. Lies. Iiiiiiiiii, on the other hand, take magpies with my sub 97 at 150 yards.
  10. Bloody el. I come back from holiday and seem to have missed a hand bag fight. Sweet. At the end of the day, and I haven't read every post here, accuracy wins over power. My two pence. If your rifle is accurate, and delivers around 4ftlbs of energy at the range your target is, and the pellet strikes the proper area, it's dead.
  11. Posted on your other post mate. Yep. I'll have that. I'll sort out when I get back. Ya a diamond.
  12. I'll have that skot. Will it fit my 97? Same as yours. Can I contact you when I get back from holiday? £60 no problems.
  13. Love how piano man gives such details in his replies... Bloody ell, we should compile a HL book... a reservoir of knowledge indeed. Basically, the range you can put all your shots within an inch.
  14. Actually. I'm not gonna do that. Wtf am I thinking.... This Devonshire air.
  15. Hmmm. I don't know why but I'm thinking of getting rid of mine too, but really don't want to regret it. Might dish all my HW's in for a TX HC.... Thoughts? Other than the ratchet ABT and that the loading ports on the set for a left hander.
  16. Hi all. I'm after a beech or walnut, if it exists, left hand stock for my 97kt. Currently have a synth installed but I'm hoping to swop out for a standard 97 sporter wooden stock. Will pay for postage and all the usual bits to get it to me. Ideally in the best of conditions of course. Many thanks.
  17. I've come to this post rather late, on holiday, but my god that looks a dogs dinner. No idea what the chit chat is about, but god it's the worst thing I've ever seen
  18. Nice man. Wish I'd of seen this post before, on holiday at the moment down Devon... Managed to find a wifi that's half decent. I'd be ripping into you for the placement of that front sling swivel... To far forward ha. Nice. You've got rid of your 98?!
  19. Mate. I think thats it. No one... Contact the owners ya sen man. Best of luck.
  20. Ha. "It might be plastic... but so what..." I love it mate. I didn't mean that on fb. Just banter and I thought, well, you've clearly got a decent unit on the 97 and so thats what to compare it too. Really like it. Bang on post you've done there especially with it being so new. I actually like the look of it too... real workhorse it would seem. Keep us updated. Skot. probably not... neither does a rapid in ambi, and I would chew my right arm off for an original one.
  21. I bought a batch of 24 and to be honest they are like a dream... Real good. Im guessing it apparent but for those who dont know, they have a UV covering which bird see within there spectrum... so I hear... Does anyone know anymore, like the science behind it? Be interested to find out.
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