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Everything posted by Rez

  1. Chances were you didn’t to be honest. He worked on the Avro back in the day. The mrs old man like.
  2. Ya got a new toy ya slag? Show us the viz ?
  3. Ya don’t know a Peter Thomas by any chance do you Pete? Ex RAF engineer. For some reason I just thought you might be on the technical side. Back on the subject. My old scorpion had a somewhat notchy bolt from new, so noticeable to be honest, it soon bedded in mind, miss that old sod.
  4. Yeah mate. Jess bought me tickets for Xmas... but wants me to pay for the f’kin B&B ?... the ?. Might buy me sen a new toy all being well. Anyway, best delete my history so she don’t see this. Don’t wanna get me throat cut in the night and just bleed out. To be honest, she’s had worse ideas... ??
  5. Ahhhhh man... no offense intended at all. Jesus, if ya skin ain’t think on here there’s no chance. Post it god dam it. Bloody want to see it now... ?
  6. First class reply lock. A knife through my heart mate ?
  7. Is that actually true? Poison and animals never goes down well... interesting point to be honest, it’s saves any shooting effort. However, how do we target squirrels only with poison? Sorry, just asking an amature question when it comes to toxics (for a change ?) when so many song birds and native species go for the same grub.
  8. What you on about ‘hard up’. This is Flynn’s profile from fbook...
  9. Too right mate. Great work init. Great post and breakdown. Even if the rifle is shit, you can’t fault the commitment he’s put in. To be honest, the rifle looked so mint with the white looking stock and proper shrouded barrel .
  10. Took me a while to find this but some sidelever custom job was made in the US. Found this when I saw that aftermarket one Jon mentioned a while ago. Some decent images in this, shows the whole process. https://www.gatewaytoairguns.org/GTA/index.php?topic=77148.0
  11. That Qtec up front on AA rifle is, IMO, theee best mod on the market for airguns. I’ve got my mrs old mans 410 on perminant loan and Jesus Christ it makes a HW mod sound loud. In fact it makes anything I’ve ever heard sound a bit “pocky”. Its almost a joke how good those AA mods are. I had to even crono his 410 after the first few shots assuming it was well below the limited going on the report, but sits properly on 11.4.
  12. Bangin rifle mate. What did you have before? Seen more 10’s than ever and even though I know what it looks like, show us a picture then! ?
  13. When’s it going out... And how many ya gonna make? Good that mate.
  14. Bloody hell, I actually quite like it... That little mini model... assuming that’s a KT, if it drops the lead in like a “normal” 100, it’s an absolute park bench squirrel reaper. Just keep it in ya pocket when someone walks by ?
  15. Why am I drawn to this... ? if that had a walnut stock but in that shape, defiantly. Massive jump for HW. Classic looking rifles... then properly military AR style. Back end reminds me of that old Bristish standard rifle they used on Bloody Sunday... the paras and that. L1A1. I shall indeed watch this space.
  16. Ahhhhh. I thought you’d gone a bought a new one.
  17. How ya gonna choose which to take out now Marko? Small armoury at your place.
  18. Mate. Good job you’ve stuck a mod up front, loud as f**k without one... ? Completely get what your saying about the trigger. It’s seems all walthers are set like thta, my LGU first stage is waaaaay to long. Not a hard fIx but it’s just getting round to it.
  19. Pellet snob ? good info though mate x
  20. What pellet are ya stuffing that with then Phil? Seriously on me list that carbine is. Maybe in two two too.
  21. What birds that’s then? ?
  22. Long time just doing nothing mate ?
  23. I do hear a lot of dead badgers are eaten down in the ‘set mate.
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