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Everything posted by Rez

  1. Perhaps a simpler, more honest route would of worked...
  2. Most may have seen this... but an emailer from BASC... they obvs didn't get the GL stuff on the cover of there next issue of the mail out. So this is the proposed cover... ? Bet there gutted the artwork when to the press before this shit. Packham. Wins. Again. Perhaps could of been a touch more subtle.
  3. Just got wind of the new pup from Steyr. Im not to sure... bet its built from the finest bits though. And probs laser like. But it might tek me some time to warm to the look. Actually dont know of any members with a Steyr to be honest. Bet its nicer in the hands mind. Love the little STEYR PRO emblem on the action. Best bit. 2.5k too... ?
  4. I very much doubt he was ever gonna loose any job, especially one he’s doesn’t technically have, being a freelancer. Think that partition was just a knee jerk reaction by our side that will do f**k all. Even if he did loose any contract, it wouldn’t help now with the shit that’s going on.
  5. I very much doubt he was ever gonna loose any job, especially one he’s doesn’t technically have, being a freelancer. Think that partition was just a knee jerk reaction by our side that will do f**k all. Even if he did loose any contract, it wouldn’t help now with the shit that’s going on.
  6. No point asking us lot now... ? Instant death is highly unlikely without stop the brain talking. Heart and lungs are quick, but rarely instant. Depending on what you define ‘instant’ as of course.
  7. Attempted to have a go at a form or two... On the latest Mac OS with full business software running for work... Dunno what they've created there PDF's in but even my rig aint lovin it... god help farmer dave with his windows 2002.
  8. Another decent link from the pigeon lot. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/797975/natural-england-general-licence-position-statement.pdf
  9. Picked this link up from the pigeon boys... obviously it’s not a case of simply downloading and keeping with ones self? timmehhh... where are ya, you’ll know ? https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/798014/WML-GL26-licence-serious_damage2.pdf
  10. Ya on a lite or is that a typical iPhone shot... where it’s lighter than the phones showing?
  11. There been loads of ?????? emoji used throughout this thread. I think that just shows what we all think to this palaver. Lets all just sit back, have a brew and carry on as normal. There’s just gonna be a lot less images posted in the hunting sections let’s say... ?
  12. Well. Good job my rifles ‘slightly’ off then ? Give it a few clicks left and aim off to the right kinda thing...
  13. Well... there’s a little gem of a find. Seems we’ve all applied but the license never arrived ? Joking aside, them few sentences there don’t allow me to nip over to the garden on the estate and bait a few Maggie’s in to stop them shreddin the lady of the manors songbirds. As much as she’s not a happy old lady. Actually she’s f****n fumin.
  14. Where are we at with this then? I read above it’s not as bad as we first thought, this that and the other. I’ve had two texts this am, Sunday being my shooting day, from me landowner/land manager saying the magpies are in force in the walled gardens... they’ll no doubt end up shooting the fuckers themselves. Without being technical, I’m just saying I can’t do anything at the minute... but they want a simple answer... yep, I’ll be there in a hour or no, can’t do shit. Sorry.
  15. Ahhhhh. A bit of normality. Thank god. You don’t know how much I’ve missed these posts showing us how good your rifles are Mark ? Wierdly my own KS doesn’t like the brands yours does. I was so confident it would too... tried them first. Bloody fussing cow. Great post my man. Lovin the subtle hint to the GL though with ya target choice.
  16. Looks great for a bit of roost shooting that ??
  17. Must be a few years old now bloody hell. Ya’d had that years when I had mine and that was years ago.
  18. ? Ahhhh, it’s all fun and games. It’s only a forum after all. Wonder what it’ll be called in a few years. The Life ?
  19. Ahhhh. That’s fab news about the GL. To be honest timmehhh, over the past few days ya’ve been bangin the drum on this and that, (though it’s the first time I’ve seen you post in the AG forum for a while) but your just saying the same thing in every post... in a different way. It’s not that we don’t agree with you, we can’t not agree with you for the sake of a long winded reply that we can’t be bothered to read ? please don’t make that list to long... for god sake. We can all see you have your points and that are valid, but jeez, I’m surprised you can see your keyboard being so far u
  20. Think your the only person I’ve seen with a twenty two LGU. Your garden back up to fields there I see?
  21. Like you Tim, I don’t think he’ll loose any job or contract with the Telly, so I’m a bit unsure what all that partition was about really. Whatever happens with the GL, it’s more the airgun industry in particular I’m a tad worried about. If, for example, he does get on to the review of all pest species, it’ll knock the “hunting life type” members. If the paper work is a pain to sort out too, most won’t even apply for it and be left just shooting target or HFT.
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