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Everything posted by Rez

  1. ? vvvvvvvvv’mans gettin bummed. Don’t worry, we all love FX’s too mate ? ?
  2. Best field rifle ever made. No one can deny longevity and the original, decent unfettled ones still command near on a grand asking price. I doubt many rifles these days will do the same 30 years on from when they were made.
  3. Finding a decent one is also like bumping into a unicorn. Especially the 1.5-5
  4. Init mate ? that’s a proper ‘I’ll take ya money and don’t have the rifle’ kinda ad. Clearly hasn’t been to school, probably not a British citizen and has no idea about air weapons.
  5. I’d second that. Me HM was running Trophies, but soon as the Exacts turned up, never looked back.
  6. Nice man. Properly. It is a Fenman init? ? I only ask as it could be a Fenman in an Olympus stock or a mk2 Evo in fact... ya don’t see many Fenmans wearing Olympus woodwork ya see and Theoben never made the Fenman in a thumhole version, nor the Evo. Whatever it is, it’s proper mint.
  7. Proper sex that SE is mukka. Jeez. I miss mine.
  8. Iconic. Expensive. Chompin at the bit to see you jammy get ?
  9. Yeah chaps. Im with ya, and as much as I know I can just drop on a Hugget, the shroud extra just adds something with aesthetic. And I know we'd all like a chunkier barrel.
  10. Any of you lot runnin' ya 100 with fully floating barrel? So not band to cylinder etc. Or even have done? Thinkin' of getting the shroud and Huggit set up and it'd have to float but its a good un and so wouldnt want to ruin anything, even on a small level.
  11. True my man. We must of had a super warm winter then... with all the foliage in the shot ? But yeah, I agree.
  12. Super easy to strip mate. Super easy. Gettin the spring back in the comp tube though... ? Aint got the kit and think it could do with a coil took off just for a smoother shot cycle. Only want it doing 2FPE at most. Funnily enough Ive been meaning to get this off to the man Si. I will do it. Just worried I wont get it back ?
  13. One lad who I chat with in insta says it’s all legal according to BASC news... asked him to tell meh a bit more.
  14. Spot on mate from what I’m finally seeing. Would you shoot a magpie then in a tree if it presented itself? Knowing the f****r will be on anything young and protected... maybe not that day, but you might not get that chance another.
  15. Sweet. Nice one timmehhh. Shit, made a tit of myself now, best edit that on the Insta ?
  16. For sure. I think so too. I’m just thinking perhaps that those two images there could just be one of us. To the anti... there would be hardly any difference between seeing an image of us on here, or them in that editorial.
  17. Thought I’d ask um... see what they say. Might all be above board.
  18. So the chap in the magazine is actually shooting birds illegally? ? To be honest, there was another article in July’s where the that shooter with stubb hands, he had a couple of woodies. And actually, that other lad from Newcastle, had a couple of magpies. One rule for them and another for the rest I guess.
  19. I know this is gettin on everyones tits a bit, but I just have to be clear... in this Months [June] Air Gunner, the Mr Eddie Jones drops a couple of woodies in his article and, well, is that alright now? Just taken two birds from a tree that could hardly be doing much damage... Ive quick skim read the article and it doesn't say anywhere that it was written before the GL farce and it just seems everythings back to normal if the airgun press are writing about it in such a way. I know they dont have to say when the article was written, but Im sure they would to keep things 'legal'.
  20. What the actual f**k. Same picture, just added a few more on the computer. It’s alright mate, we all do it ?
  21. Rez


    Look like the same bugs ya shot the other night to me big man ? On a serious note, them jsb, what head size are they? Out of interest.
  22. Just seen this on the gaybook. So thought Id jump on here to see whats what... And thought, this cant be true. I mean the headline, not the web ad before any of you lot jump on it ?
  23. When you say something so simple... its makes me happy. So, timehhhhh. ? Is everything back to normal? But we just cant sell oat to another person?
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