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Everything posted by Mochara87

  1. Great few runs tiger that black bitch no's how to run them fair play jimmy 1000!!!!!
  2. Great land tiger I say the long ears move on that land!! Good land lad !!!!!
  3. Lookin well cap hope max cuts the shite out of what he gets on this year & kills rings around him! 1 of the best dogs in the country at the moment!! Get out for a run with you in the winter! ??
  4. Few nices ones bud good luck wit them!!!
  5. nice dog wat way is he breed?? she's deer/grey x collie/grey matevery nices bitch pal best of look wit her hope she dose the job for you!!!
  6. Is dat after tiger and out of the deerhound bitch BB?
  7. Comeing on well best of luck wit dem pal!!!
  8. Looking well jimmy saw a pup after ace and out of Nell running fast and tight and go threw fire the way ya need them!!!!!!!!
  9. Pup cumin on well cap atb wit him!!!! Lovely pups fen's and well bred to!!!
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