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Bush Rummager

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Everything posted by Bush Rummager

  1. Does Simoman like his music a tad on the heavy side???? seen these boys at least seven times.. quick one..
  2. Speed wins races on a greyhound track mate,, thats about it,,,,,,, which kill most daytimes hares,, greyhounds or saluki hybrids . and what runs faster than a hare . The gear is shy here like you would not beleave,,, but a speed merchant hero dog will still miss more than a dog that runs them abit then ups gear to strike,,,i used think fast, fast, fast,,, most lads around here still do,,,, not anymore,, its all about the gears not the flat out speed,,,as with pure speed comes overshooting,,lostground,and lost game,, . hi merle24, , think you're a good genuine sort mate, don't want
  3. Speed kills!.. 100% commitment, balls to the wall for me, who wants to slip a dog to see it pull up?? I'll do the thinking side of things... just my preferance,..
  4. Bloody terrible shame that... as others have said, i take my hat off to you for sticking it out with her.. if there's any justice, i'm sure she'll repay you ten fold in the field...
  5. Good post there Yotee hunter!.. Great pics on the web site tooo... i failed today trying to upload a few pics but computer said TOO BIG! sure something has changed??.......... Thanks BR , which site did you upload them on ? make sure you get all the BB code not the HTML you dont need to use the insert image icon at the top of this box, or attach any images, just paste the code straight in the space , I find if i'm putting a few images on here i open a couple of browsers, so i open THL in firefox and then flickr in google, that way i can easily switch from one to the other, hope
  6. Good post there Yotee hunter!.. Great pics on the web site tooo... i failed today trying to upload a few pics but computer said TOO BIG! sure something has changed??..........
  7. Good thred mate.. Depends on lots of things thinks i.. without going into it.. the ones that don't get layed up probably spend most nights layed in front of the fire licking its fecking tupence... (or ball sack)... IMHO...
  8. Cheers, aint got a hide, got better things to do than sitting around in the garden..but I dont mind waiting for birds to come..I have this mental image of you too, ha, ha, ha Long tailed tits Some filthy minds on this site!.. i've been trying to get a shot of a pair of tits on my fat balls for some time now, no joy as of yet.. that sigma lense of mine can't be helping matters though eh! nice shot by the way..
  9. Cracking shot that.. wish i'd see a few more round my way..
  10. Good shot mate, , like how you've got rid of the background, might learn how to do it one day..
  11. Nice shots there is the top pic overlooking Derwent Water from the campsite at Keswick? looks familiar but its a good few years now since i camped there, great scenery..
  12. :11: ... i love it.. should be one of those Emoticons of a fisherman with a rod casting out!! Some good sensibale replies above and thanks for the comments on the pic, you never know, if i pull my finger out might even get a few more on here in the near future... the main thing is folks, just enjoy what you're doing and make sure you have good laugh along the way..
  13. Been putting a bit of corn down lately re Sigma lenses.. you know you want one... but darn't been seen out in public with such second rate crap bolted onto the front of that BMW thing of yours! haa... I been a Sigma lense owner for all of 2 weeks, think its o.k for the money.. gave it a run out with the kids at xmas..
  14. Quality shots there mate!, all belters, but the Baldy edges it for me,
  15. Thanks for the replys folks.. Coyotehunter, had a look at the 24-70 2.8 and does look a cracking bit of kit, like you say, versatile too, but as Muttle mentions, at about £900.. its a tad more than what i'm wanting to part with at this time of year.. suppose i could always tell the kids santa has, errr,... died.. I think the on board flash should be fine for what i'm after.. would i have to adjust the strength of the flash depending on the distance of the subject? could prove to be a pain in the butt! shame you can't bounce it eh! I'm still ( and my wallet is ) liking the idea of a nic
  16. good uns!.. Jay for me, done well to get that close to him,
  17. i have slowed the shutter speed to 3 seconds .. stood the camera on a a work top in the kitchen set the self timer to take 10 pics.. then stood away from the camera with a torch & just waved it round get the kids to do the torch stuff i am knackerd now after 3 days of it its great fun if nothing else .. the dog thinks i have gone mental It was a friend on here who told me how to do it as i said i was fed up of taking pics & had lost interest in it .. so he said have a go at this as you can do it in the house ... so i had a go & its very addictive Cheers for tha
  18. Cracking stuff Kay! how is it done? ..... i ain't got a clue..
  19. Ron.. they have got a fair point above.. i'm in a similar boat mate.. £2k+ of gear.. 18 month learning how to use it.. time spent on the P.C sorting the pics.. but i havn't earnt a penny from photography, if i had the right lense, i would do my best to give you a dig out mate, meeting a decent bloke and having a bit of banter means more to me than say.. £50.. or £100 quid in the pocket.. moneys not my god.. but i do need it same as everyone else.. its nice to be nice...., hope you get sorted, my pics are shite... awayway
  20. its at least a ten pinter for me...
  21. Yep, thats a belter mate... very nice shot,
  22. This is a great site for in depth reviews on canon gear and third party lenses.. plenty of sample images too, if you're not confused already.. you will be after sifting through this lot!.. nice shots by the way Dawn.. http://www.the-digital-picture.com/Canon-Lenses/
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