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Bush Rummager

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Everything posted by Bush Rummager

  1. Looking for some Twitter inspiration folks. Only use it really to get messages and alerts from the daughters schools but surely it's got way more to offer than that. Personally I'm not one for the social media thing.. thought it might fill five minutes here and there throughout the day and maybe give bits of interesting information and a laugh along the way. Obviously it's all down to what you're into personally. So what have you got....who's worth a follow??
  2. Looking at your drink... and knowing you're a tight fuker... i already knew that!! I've got a bottle in the fridge!!?
  3. Little!!? I like a baileys myself mate.... but don't tell any fuker!! Tommy Walsh used to sup pints of Baileys on a night out whilst filming groundforce with Dimmock and Allan Titwank.. big lad though wasn't he!!
  4. Can't go wrong with a Nelson Mandela mate.. Take it you're not going to the fens in the morning then?!?....?
  5. Always viewed cider as a summer drink but i'm having seconds thoughts lately on that front.. Aldi 'Westons' tonight. 8.2% on the fuktometer and £1.49 blip blaps a bottle.. It could actually be Westons in there... it's grand lad's if you're partial to a cider...?
  6. I found this footage from Oz interesting. They're in the same position as us here in the UK as regards having big cats living wild there. No doubt some smart fcuker is going to come on say it's a Koala Bear dropping the kids off in the bushes or something along those lines.. Thoughts??
  7. Windsor.. Pure genius who ever named this the long walk!!
  8. Yesterday's sausage dinner... 10 vedge count on there!! Had the air fed welding gear on today.. suction is on a belt pack straight above your arse. Any methane that you release is instantly sucked up a pipe and blown through your helmet right into your face!! Excellent!! lol.... Today's home made quiche... without the paistry ffs. Our Doris is a fully fledged member of the fat club... aka slimming world. Acti fry chips, normal and sweet potato. Decent plate full but i still had the obligatory 2 slices of wholemeal bread because i'm a greedy b@stard!!
  9. A Tea cake you say mate?? nahh.. aren't those things full of dried fruit!? What you want is a big fuuk off mahoosive white 'COB'!!!...?
  10. Beans and sausage.. that's 3rd world food ffs!!? Joking aside.. good point you make there. I've just seen the freeze dried meals on Amazon prime and they're £7!! That's £1:50 more than in the shop so obviously your 'free postage' from Prime ain't free!! Like we didn't know that anyway!! Tried one of the curry freeze dries meals on a day hike last winter with a couple of mini Peshwari naan breads and it was decent enough. Good thing about those packeted meals is you've got no pan to wash out after. Just boil up your water.. fill and reseal the bag and wait ten minutes whilst you enjo
  11. Looks a good setup that mate. What's your Jetboil food of choice if you don't mind me asking?? I was in Cotswold outdoors in Bakewell today checking this lot out. I was wondering how the ready to eat meals compared to the dehydrated stuff..
  12. Not suggesting you trawl through all his videos... but he does a decent review though and you get a real life demo... usually out of his flat window!! https://youtube.com/c/AdventureSportFlashlights
  13. You'll meet again with your mate at some point pal.. he'll be up there waiting for you...
  14. I wanted to know... but didn't want to ask...? Must have smoked some sheets for one of them...££...?
  15. Like already said, belting pic's they are. Could flick through them all day!! wish i lived closer to the lakes. 3hr one way trip from here.. long day out mind but always 100% worth it. My sister now lives in Penrith so happy days on that front. I'll having some more of that this winter again.. Ugly b@stard!!!
  16. Beauty innit.. I really must delete this stupid app off my phone ffs...?
  17. Couple of pics from a few weeks back. Overlooking Sherwood forest.. I almost didn't bother going on the ride but glad i did in the end. I bumped into this young girl right off the beaten track in the middle of that forest. She'd hit a rock and flipped the quad onto it's side and it was too heavy for her to flip it over bless ber. When i bumped into her she was walking along a trail and the quad was nowhere to be seen, she must of been heading home on foot. She'd got a full face helmet on with the reflective goggles on and she was crying behind there when i spoke to her. She'd
  18. Mate, you gave her a life that she would of never had in someone else's hands. Lived it to the full. You gave her the chance to express herself.. and be the dog she was inside. How many of these types of dog never even get let off a lead in their whole lives due to blinded/ mislead owners.... ahhh.. it's a small dog, so a piss on garden is enough for it. It's a crime to me that.. my respect mate..
  19. I wouldn't mind a decent multi tool after losing my last one a few years back. Any recommendations anyone???
  20. Agree with Cragman above... i take the odd one for insurances purposes now on long rides and on unplanned rides, say when a mate drags me out with hardly and notice and I've eaten next to nothing at work earlier in the day. I've hit the "wall" proper twice before.. absolutely nothing at all left in the tank and last time i only had a mile and half until home, i had no choice but call at the paki shop and stuff a mars bar into my face and neck a can of full strength coke.. which i never drink by the way!! Old Sanjay must have thought I'd not eaten for days!! lol.. So yes, they've got a use
  21. I should have mentioned.. i actually had 2 crossiants with jam for my first breakfast!!? They were going out of date mind.. i don't like waste so did my bit for the environment and ate the fukers!!
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