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Bush Rummager

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Everything posted by Bush Rummager

  1. Check this out Barry.. Obviously a Puma.. not a Leopard. Hat's off to the bloke with a set of knackers though and fighting for his old mutt. I respect that..?
  2. Yes mate.. South Yorkshire zoo just up the road
  3. I doubt anyone can actually answer this.. but it would be interesting to know how many "big cats" are actually already here in the UK legally and legitimately.. ie... in zoos and private collections. I know for a fact.. as in I've seen them.. there's Leppard and Lynx all within a stones throw of just where I am in the East mids. Plus animals that don't even belong on this continent.. Polar bears.. African Wild dogs.. Giraffes.. Tigers Lions..etc. These cats have been over here for decades. Is there a census or register anyone?? Be interesting to know..?
  4. Excellent!! I'll look forward to that then!! ?? Bad enough me being the only male in a family of four when it's 'that' time of the month.. talk about walking on egg shells!! I swear it would be easier sharing a house with Rose West.. Hindley and Bev Allitt!!
  5. I recognise that matey!! Once you've mastered her sign language...it's easy peasy!!
  6. I know you are pal..? It's wank really.. I'm off on X Hanster now windmilling like fuk!!? ??
  7. That's probably where she got it from mate!!!?
  8. Thank you mate and I mean that. Been together 30 years now and we're both 45. Two teenage daughters and I wouldn't swap anything. I still fancy the ass off my Mrs and I tell her she's all I think about when I touch my plonker!?? If you're watching porn you're filling a gap in your life boy's that shouldn't be there!!
  9. I actually heard one of the old guy's on talk sport say that mate!!? I actually get all I want from my milfy Mrs who I've been married to for 20 years.. she still does it for me even though she doesn't believe me when I tell her!!? Was our 20th anniversary last month. She sent me this...?
  10. Tell me if I'm wrong.. but can't the Fed's trace everything... that's absolutely every single thing, you've ever searched online???
  11. Could have been old Rolph or Jimmeh..??
  12. Yes looks very nice image quality that mate thanks for putting it up!!? I'm assuming there's no range finder on that model. Do know roughly what distance the rats and horse were filmed at? Cheers..
  13. Goodbye Tesco blue stripe 2% foam in a plastic cup.. Hello Mr. Westons..?
  14. Poor c**ts have spent months crossing continents and open sea's to end up in Skeggy ffs.. I'd want to slit my own f**king neck if that happened to me!! Poor b@stards!!
  15. Is this cyclops 350 decent kit for the money in comparison to the Axion xq35 anyone??
  16. Crikey! Looks the business that does!! Don't forget what you're in though in the middle of the night when you roll out for a piss!!?
  17. I remember that mate. Edlington woods was it???
  18. Do what DC did matey and have a ride down the M5.. it's only a few hours from Durham.. or Mansfield or wherever you live now. Just tell your Mrs your nipping out for a bucket of coal..?
  19. Very well put chief!!? Let's see what what excuses they come up with!!?
  20. I totally get FD and greb standing their ground and stating it's not a big cat in the footage.. just voicing their opinion.. we're all entitled to do that. But nobody has actually said it is 100% a big cat have they not?? It's only been suggested it could be until proven otherwise. So to me it seems a waste of your time arguing against it.. unless you've got nothing else to do with your time like!!? I'd wait until that 100% pic/ footage appears (if it ever does).. backed up by the people in the know.. then lay into it by all means. But until then I'd be finding something else to do w
  21. Yes shagger.. layed around pool supping shit lager and scratching my knackers all day!! Just been to a bar to get a decent drink and bumped into this old school lab. He was on the beach this morning looking for anyone to fuss him. We had one like him 30 year ago.. proper tank. Not like today's racy field trial types!! He dropped himself at side of my daughter whilst I was in the sea.. It was all going so well until he started licking his knackers...??
  22. Looks the business that mate. Is the Bison farmed do you know?
  23. Wonder if they're going to be hit with a government fart tax! Also wondering if there's any plans to get them entered back into the food chain?? Ate Bison just the once up the CN tower.. good while ago mind..
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