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Posts posted by wiganred

  1. your right BGD

    Forum community at its best..


    Cheers mate atb

    Hope I'm discharged soon as poss..

    Pissing blood at moment and feel like I've had a good kickin !!


    But I'll be reet ??

    Even more itching to get out of the place now !


    • Like 2
  2. Top marks to two top guys...

    I'm layed up in a hospital bed at moment..

    Got hit with a van Friday and ended up smashing into my kidney with a wing mirror...

    Car didn't even stop !!!


    That's another story..,

    Big thanks to Keith and the breeder..

    Breeder is getting the bitch back and holding her for me till I get out of here..

    Told him I'll have her,if Keith is happy with her and the breeding etc that's good enough for me...

    Just shows there are good genuine lads on here and shows if you wait long enough rather than just jump in you get what your looking for..

    Now the fun starts,can't wait to get first me home and her home and let's the fun begin...

    Thanks lads...


    • Like 6
  3. Been looking to get myself a beddy grey whippet type pup to bring on for next year,ferreting lamper...

    gave that lads I know a heads up to keep there ears open.

    From workin stock and lads that r actually doing it and not talking about it... !

    If you know anything that might suit giz a nudge will ya fellas...



  4. Been looking to get myself a beddy grey whippet type pup to bring on for next year,ferreting lamper...

    gave that lads I know a heads up to keep there ears open.

    From workin stock and lads that r actually doing it and not talking about it... !

    If you know anything that might suit giz a nudge will ya fellas...

    There's loads of overpriced shite on the net,don't mind payin or traveling for the right dog


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  5. England players as a team never perform ,good individual players for clubs just don't perform as a team it's a youngish team we have ,we need to play attacking football ball down and pass forward and attack . I hate the long ball game I'm a united fan but I think if we got the mentality and attacking styleRodgers got into liverpools game this season with this group of young attacking style players we could have a good comp . Gaines,Johnson,Rooney,sturridge,Gerard , wellbeck,wilshire,sterling,Milner , chamberlain.- it just screams fast attacking football to me but we will see

    Agreed and I'm a Liverpool fan but it's going to be hard to play that type of football in that kind of heat....

    Argentina or Brazil for me...

    But I think/hope we will have a decent tournament with the pressure off and little expectation,the youth and speed we have bodes well bit I think the heat will be deciding factor....

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