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About PeterE

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  • Location
    England, Hampshire

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  1. 3/8th's is 37.5% 4/8 = 50% 5/8 =62.5% 6/8 =75% (obvious ones 1/2 = 50%. 1/4 =25%.)
  2. so whos dogs are coverd if not your own 3rd party is for damage to others persons property/ live stock etc, have a look on Dogs Trust site. : )
  3. some spot on comments here chaps. Spoke to my mate yesterday, the word is that the old bill were going to shoot the dogs on site, but they had to wait & call the vet /bloke with a gun. Art' told them to F' off as once he had caught all the dogs they were calm as calm things & were only obviously doing what they had be taught/ trained to do. he then looked after / fed & watered them till the next day when they were collected, if I had known that I would have gone & got one or two...
  4. ha ha, stuck in an office, not old bill mate, 1300 is when most have a lunch break. the angle is, The bloke who owns the place supplies us & others fire wood, I ve know him & done a few jobs for him, nice bloke. If I new who it was I would let him know & it would be his call, he'd go & seem 'em. I agree shouldn't grass as mentioned but find out & sort.......... (sorry the post is late, trumpet)
  5. Your good, what would you do if it happened to someone you knew, or to yourself. lozenger. + who said anything about grassing, perhaps one would send a private message??? thanks for the input, every little helps xx
  6. Are you saying that one of the lads involved is on here ??? ..... No way am I saying that! just throwing it out to see if anyone has heard ought. cheers Pete
  7. I reckon they were p1ssed, & when they pranged the fence the tail gate opened & the aforementioned dogs run out, dazed & confused, its gonna be expensive or just a little #### (fill in gap). I
  8. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-35015079 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-35024820 Not good for publicity is it, I know one of the owner here any info would be good. RE the dogs, not sure what will happen to them, poss put down? Shame. PC Jon Radcliffe, of Hampshire Constabulary's Country Watch team, said: "We have issued photos of the vehicle that was left behind by the offenders. "Have you seen this vehicle around prior to Friday night? Do you know anyone who owns a vehicle like this? We seized five lurcher type dogs who were loose on the far
  9. Hi, yeah, my little one (whippet x terrier thing). took to it good & quick, just started out peeping & when she looked up gave treat. was told that a 'come back' should be 3x peeps. when she goes a bit to far it'll get he back quickly, she'll also turn back if she's running, quicker than a call. beats shouting, or sticking fingers in ya mouth i use the acme 5.5. good times
  10. Hi Mate, http://www.naturalinstinct.com/ try this site for info. also Bulmers (not cider) do 450g for about 60pence (raw mince etc) any bone not cooked should be ok. buy direct from a proper local butcher, might need a 2nd freezer though. nice dog, ps I thought a house rabbit was a bedroom toy PE
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