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Everything posted by doie1

  1. I'm receiving my FAC in a couple of weeks and looking to get a savage 17 hmr, are these any good, is there anything I should look out for or is there any common problems with these rifles? Also what would be the best round for rabbits and possible fox if close enough? Any tips are appreciated. Cheers.
  2. I got my sgc after having a couple of convictions, as long as your honest and open about it, it should be fine.
  3. So potentially within a week my mentor could say I'm fine to use the rifle on my own and the police could take him off my certificate?
  4. Great, thanks for the information.
  5. Had you had any rifle experience before hand? I haven't but I applied for a 223 which I need a mentor for but also a 17hmr which I don't need a mentor for, can't make my mind up on what to get, any advice? Thanks
  6. I've applied for a 223 and been told I need a mentor, does anyone know how long I will need a mentor for??
  7. hi everyone, im new to this site which was recommended by my brother, im 27 and live in cornwall. i have 2 shotguns but completely new to the rifle scene, im expecting my licence in a couple of weeks and looking to get a .17hmr savage. any advice would be greatly appreciated. thanks
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