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About doie1

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  1. Oh really, if I ever have the pleasure what do you suggest I go for ?
  2. Down in Cornwall mate, got 100+ acres on this site
  3. I have already, just getting out for a couple hours reminded me why I loved it so much in the first place. Its a cz 455 .17hmr
  4. So it’s been at least 3 years since I ventured out with my rifle, last night I dusted off the cobwebs check my zero and went out on a new permission. Within 2 minutes of stepping out of the truck I was presented with my first rabbit around 90yards away, got him in my sights squeezed the trigger and sure enough I missed him, absolutely gutted, think I rushed the shot (I put it down to the excitement of the chance of getting my first rabbit in a long time) It wasn’t long before we saw another rabbit this time a little further away, got into position and once again got him in my sigh
  5. In that case, the hmr will be fine
  6. ^^^^^^^^^and so it starts^^^^^^^^
  7. hi lloyd, not sure how much my advice is worth as ive only been shooting a year. i have a cz 455 17hmr and i think its great, i use it for rabbits and foxes and havnt had a problem with it. i think you might of started a recurring debate on wheather a rimfire is suitable for fox! what sort of ranges are you looking at shooting?
  8. Not long at all, I know a lot of people aren't keen on the HMR but for me an what I need a rifle for at the moment, it suits me down to the ground I love it Joys of having a laser cutter ?
  9. its only 2mm st/st, obviously will have a backstop and hoping, if im good enough ill just pop the circles right through. hoping to try it in a bit
  10. been busy at work and made a new target to try out with my 17hmr. still need to weld some legs onto it, and paint the discs, the discs are 13mm diameter.
  11. Am I likely to be in trouble if I transport my rifle strapped to my back (in a case) on my motor bike, does it need to be hidden from the public, I.e in the boot of a car?
  12. Cheers Dan, I don't mind going out and learning by myself but it's nice to be put on the right track sometimes.
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