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Everything posted by Fud

  1. Cheers pil. I'm due you a ride big boy
  2. Fud

    Found Baw

    I don't want to say I will then have to pull out but after reading tomo is going, I think there is a good chance I'll make an appearance but lets say no at the moment
  3. I dunno why, I'm his biggest fan
  4. Fud

    Power Cuts

    Aye, unions have a lot to answer for. When your a kid there is no fear surrounding them. But as an adult you start wondering, what the f**k am I gonna do if this doesn't come on soon. Amazing how many things we do requires juice. All we used to hear from adults was that b***%*d ted heath hes costing us a fekin fortune in candles lol. Lol I was too young mate, what was it like, can you mind? I suppose electricity wasn't such a big deal then.
  5. Fud

    Found Baw

    Lol no point mate, I've tried all approaches and generally get found out within a post or 2 so no point I think it's the amount of shite I talk : laugh:
  6. Quick update before I'm banned can you mind I told you about the surveyor guy from the council taking photos of the mates fence we built? Well, at the time I thought it strange a surveyor doing this for a fence complaint. I thought that would be down to a planning guy. Anyhow, we think it had f**k all to do with the fence last month the mate reported slated missing and they came on Monday and sorted them so I reckon the c**t was taking photos of the roof
  7. :laugh: All women belong in the kitchen or bedroom When was the last time you had one in either
  8. Since both me and you Stan have both came on here under the identity of woman, we both know what it's like and who are the sex pests it suprised me who tried it on, you'd never have thought it.....
  9. Fud

    Found Baw

    subtle You know what he's like, anymore than that and the petted lip would come out. He should be honored I think that highly of him, I named my username after him
  10. Fud

    Found Baw

    belter that mate. I seen the thread but couldn't see the pic till I registered yesterday you f***ing nutter
  11. Fud

    Power Cuts

    Aye, unions have a lot to answer for. When your a kid there is no fear surrounding them. But as an adult you start wondering, what the f**k am I gonna do if this doesn't come on soon. Amazing how many things we do requires juice.
  12. We will when the un passes down laws to govern us about it
  13. Rashida Manjoo, a United Nations human rights expert, says Britain's sexist culture is more 'pervasive' and 'in your face' than any other country she has visited Sexism in Britain is more widespread than in any other country due to a 'boys' club culture', a United Nations official has concluded. Rashida Manjoo, a South African human rights expert, was charged by the UN Humans Rights Council to monitor violence against women in the UK and report back to them. She warned that sexual bullying and harassment were now "routine" in UK schools, according to NGOs she had interviewed, and r
  14. Fud

    Power Cuts

    did you manage to grope him when the lights went out aye, I was f***ing raging when they came back on
  15. Fud

    Power Cuts

    It's definitely weird sitting there watching the google box then f**k all mate was gonna get his lamp but couldn't be arsed, I can mind when we were kids we'd go into the street lights junction box and switch them off for a game of hide and seek lol. Amazing how your idea of fun changes when your older. Thinking about that, kids nowadays probably rely on electricity more than adults.
  16. Fud

    Power Cuts

    It's definitely weird sitting there watching the google box then f**k all mate was gonna get his lamp but couldn't be arsed, I can mind when we were kids we'd go into the street lights junction box and switch them off for a game of hide and seek lol. Amazing how your idea of fun changes when your older.
  17. Fud

    Power Cuts

    Was at the mates last night when we had a power cut. Not just our street etc but the whole highlands. It don't half make you realize how much you rely on electricity. Stopped smoking so no lighter, which wouldn't have mattered cos we had no candles do folk prepare for stuff like this it only lasted about half an hour but still, makes you think what you'd be like if it lasted for weeks
  18. Nail, hammer, head. Prison isn't a deterrent never mind punishment. Yes, to the average joe soap it is but not to the scumbags who see it as a fully paid, all inclusive break from the norm. They get DVDs, play stations, tv's etc and the reason we are told is to stop them from rioting. That's like having a petulant spoilt child stamping its feet in a supermarket wanting everything it sees and the mother saying, here you go if it keeps you quiet. I don't hear many riots happening in Singapore. It might not reduce conviction numbers but least they'll know they are getting f***ing punished.
  19. Just like salmond, you've to vote blind and hope for the best.
  20. No idea but it's worked in Wales, they managed to vaccinate a load of them; maybe the badgers are friendly to bunny huggers? Other than tb, do you not see some areas badgers are a problem and need controlling? If so, by what means do you suggest?
  21. The bottom line is Man U need to spend £200 mill just to stay still with the big boys. While Man U spend that to build a strong team, the rest will spend to strengthen an already strong team. Will the £200 mill help them, course it will. It'll probably buy them a top 4 place even with moyes there but only just. To see the difference a manager makes you can only compare what ferguson and moyes have done with the same crop of players, the gulf is mind blowing. All the top 4 have far better managers than moyes, guys who have proved they can compete with fergie. Moyes can't even compete with fergi
  22. There a THL first...... Someone mentioning there misses and a tight c**t in the same sentence
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