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Everything posted by ozziedogger

  1. Hey fellas I've had big small and in between but I'm not sure if I've seen what you call a micro ferret has any one got a picture of one next to a normal sized ferret just curious Cheers ozziedogger
  2. Sounds like a good day out mate it's summer over here to hot and to many snakes around can't Waite for winter so I can get back out got me keen reading that story
  3. just the mentality of some people sad really what I've been reading half these blokes probably aren't the terrier men they think they are
  4. Not saying it never happens but in my experience I think a lot of ferrets get falsely accused of having a feed and falling asleep when infact it's a lot more likely they have rabbits in a stop end or they have killed a rabbit in a stop end on the wrong side of the rabbit and can't get out since I invested in collars I have never dug down to a sleeping ferret they are always on a rabbit still trying to work them out
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