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Jack Daniels

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Everything posted by Jack Daniels

  1. JD, I agree, 20lb Bull terriers are hard to come by. When Bull blood is added to a terrier line, SIZE is what is lost in my opinion. The positives were head size, bone and dead gameness. The last one would be disputed as a positive by some. I think if you look at the history of "Hunt Terriers" i.e. terriers used exclusively for bolting Fox. Every professional terrier man working this type of dog would avoid bull blood in his line. They need to limit the size and the adding bull would push the weight up over 20lbs. Hunt terriers tend to be the old style Russell's in my opinion.
  2. no harm men but i dont think any of them bulls weigh 20lb!! i have terriers here in my yard are around 20lb weight and they look nowhere near as heavy as them pics just posted.... i was in company not so long ago about 2 months back... fella was able to show me a full EBT bitch....a blue/brindle bitch...she was around 17 inches to tts but she still weighd 25-27.... working weight..... and not the lamb shaped type getting paraded about today.....ill try get a pic of her.... she like the original bull as far as i could see....very athletic, not the big wide barrelled chest and good straight leg
  3. I have had a few days reading up on some topics and responses regarding differnt forums on this place, and jesus the freedom to voice an opinion is a dangerous thing ehh, especially if you have just stumbled across into terrier work.... why do people who supposedly know the importance of vermin control with terriers, need to educate the new comer in such a descerning manner, and attack each other at every oppertunity?? its like we all have screws loose!! this is terrier work...if you live it defend it!! but not in an aggressive or demeaning manner....... educate them, dont ram it down thei
  4. Possibly.......i just think the fact that these type of programs are so popular these days says a lot about the society we live in......if there was no call for them they wouldnt be here. Nuffin else on tv to be fair. Only thing I can sit and watch is the football. LOL...and there we have it!!! and you wonder why the government can run rings round us and stil make it look as if the peples to blame haha.... football now a days is full of bi sexual men who couldnt take a shove from a whin bush but theyd need the magic drink of water...next season there havin kick offs half hour later than
  5. LOL... fit yous all better to stop worrying what every one else is doing or how there getting there money or there cars... and watch what the people who are controlling yous are doing..ie..your government...lol you think it was a coincidince that they let so many in or mis calculated the numbers..it was all a ploy to bring shitty wages and take the tradesmen out of the UK and Ireland.....bring call centres were they can moosh your brain with a head set for shitty money and you cant even afford to survive after working a whole week...while the greedy little piglets in the trough have there wee
  6. ill doubt you will find the truth written down anywhere mate after all... digging in them days was a hush uhush necessity just like it is the very same these days....
  7. whernt a lump of a dog straight spanable good length of neck, turn of stifle well muscled and well put together ..What was he like when you were digging over him Stig, dont remember digging the dog i took some time out from terriers around that time because my business had took off and i had a young family to bring up... I saw him work in surrey about 91ish. Did his job on the day. Had a dog out of him and a bitch called oil which was a decent hard dog. He did look like a bitch but threw some big strong dogs if im correct sparticus was also bred back to that bitch called oil? father to
  8. some nice terriers on this, and some v tidy looking bull x russells....
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