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Jack Daniels

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Everything posted by Jack Daniels

  1. lot of laughs out louds in their! text speak. ok 12 year old! ill tell you this....Alli is known in the white dog world of the USA.... people keep talking shit, instead of looking around you and self learning the [BANNED TEXT] way it will all be gone, cos freaks who like to dress up and pretend...like you who even self confess too know nada bout terrierwork have no worthy input into terrierwork, only gobbling like a turkey.... and maybe the man didnt realise during all the hussle and bustle that a swift 1 was being played! anyways like your avitar picture i think ill give your opin
  2. no...ALLI showed his terrier DOG/BITCHES ....older than 12 months... in a puppy class to win a roseete thats the way im reading it! selling his sole for a rosette? I dont know or care personally... but some seem to! lol, whats wrong you got this line in your yard or just jealous you couldnt get this line.....im baffled!
  3. And i dont know why hes so worried or anyone else on here.. if them white stuffs bred for the job and will see work and he is honest then he can do no more! Even if he did ask him to his face, the man that owns them could have just laughed and put him straight..... lol what you think there gona fight over a stupid question like this? ffs some really want to get out in the fresh air more with no friends talking shit to them..... they say in the states..... ( when the tail gate drops the bullshit stops) meaning you can trial and show all year round gaining pieces a paper from fat judges bu
  4. no disrespect but if you have to ask on the hunting life! then no......
  5. Cork in ireland? do you beleive all your yold feller... sounds like it!
  6. Tallyho.... i mean no disrespect too you feller as you say i do not know you so i can not judge you or your terriers..... you sound passionate tho.. I can only judge by the post i READ.... the Tinternet is full of aliasas and RSPCA, USPCA, ANTIS, and all others....... who do LOVE too see a whole babbling match about 1972/82 or whatever year.... they copy paste everything............. and turn 1982 into 20016.... wise up, not just you EVERYONE!\.... Its now 2014 and terrierwork is getting hit hard in every part of the globe because of dick meausring comps like this.... terrierwork al
  7. lol... your a very entertaining individual i will give you that.... but terrier work in the US.A.. U.K and Ireland or any other country, France Slovakia where ever is meant to be carried out by competent folk...you surely dont sound like this too me, you sound like the ANTIS wet dream.... so i will try and give you my OPINION!......... and thats all this will be my opinion...not FACT just the way I look at things! but ive been proved wrong many times so i could be wrong here lol..... as has been stated if you are trying to compare a terrier entering to quarry for his first time and a h
  8. lol... i should have joined this place months ago.....think some people are starting to get shown up on some terrier threads for what they really are.... full of big long winded answers that amount to a pile of poop.....they would know more about stats in the premier leauge than they do about terriers! very entertaining though......
  9. if this is the case then you really do want to get out of terrier work...... LOL.....
  10. a pup should have been brought up walking around burrows from a young age, mines gets walked in fields every day, and i know what fields to walk, meaning that if im going with a young pup around the 9- 10 months age ill start walking him on his own over ground where i know the pup will get a lot of scents and good pads that will be very active and he will show me signs of how he is coming on and using his nose, if your at this game a while you will know signs better than a 10 month old pup wether stuff has been about and how recent! Then when right age and when the terrier is telling me h
  11. if your asking a hypothetical question ...as ....when should a terrier travel an earth? = when theres something in the hole! But they only gain this through experience... Even a good rock steady terrier with plenty of work over him/her and been dug too everytime they speak, will also travel a hole that is empty but this would indicate to me that somethings either just left or used it very very recently...( that morning or evening) and you have just missed him! your pup is only 10 months old and i think you said it was bred from working stuff? if so the pup will go travel in his ow
  12. Ill say this if its ok?....I asked was the dog supposed to be working.... and how old it was! thats how i asked it?... do you know the dog or does a dogs looks win you over ? Any man thinks hes an expert at anything is just a fool in my opinion,...... although i do love terrierwork and try and do it 3 days a week from sept through to feburary...for about the last 20 and more years.... im by no means an expert! I do love to watch a good russell TYPE work though..... and by that i mean when u cast your eyes on it, it categorically looks like a russell TYPE.... 90% white, strong
  13. is this dog supposed to be working and if so what age is he? If you're referring to the lack of marks on the dog, bear in mind that he's a Russell. Also bare in mind some folk who know feck all talk some shite at times ,a cracking looking Russell lol.... well for starters id class them as the white lakey type....look at their coats.... but sure hey what would i know! i realy do like the look of the white dog asked the fella if he minded me taking a pic of his dog asked him way he was bred as he put me in mind of my old dog and asked no more hmmm..looks like the only p
  14. is this dog supposed to be working and if so what age is he? If you're referring to the lack of marks on the dog, bear in mind that he's a Russell. Also bare in mind some folk who know feck all talk some shite at times ,a cracking looking Russell lol.... well for starters id class them as the white lakey type....look at their coats.... but sure hey what would i know!
  15. is this dog supposed to be working and if so what age is he?
  16. a book is proof that humans are capable of working magic!
  17. if you rear working bred terrier pups correctly, then you should never have no problems with a rabbit... pups should be out in the field with an older dog from a very young age...4 months is when theyd start to go long danders with me ( just walking)...and yes they will encounter the odd rabbit, hunt its line for a bit after all its a terrier pup its meant to be very inquisitive and bold, but by the time there 6-7 months old and with having no encouragement in fact being chasisted a little for doing so, and soon realising that the older dogs take no notice of them, they soon get the message
  18. was only jesting with you lad....he is a well made up terrier no doubt about it and you have him in top knick so fair play...dont be so sensitive mate..
  19. too big.. what u gonna do with him cant be earthwork... A cat has more patt in it than that dont be so silly! it would get dirty..... but he has photos of it in all different poses... front paw up, back paw up, full frontal, head shots, on back... legs spread... chest shots...and head studies! so i guess it does work........... for the camera.....
  20. I would disagree that some parts of the world would have better workers than Britain and Ireland, and I'll explain why I think so ? In recent years a lot of so called terrier men have made small fortunes sending terriers to certain parts of the world that would just not be entertained here in Ireland and Britain by those who NEED a good worker. Some of these terriers have gone on to make big names for themselves and their owners and of course folk start sending back to their breeder for pups. I kid you not, but here in Ireland a few years ago there were pups being sold for 100 to 300 euro a
  21. lots a lakey looking russells on this thread, and ones that to be honest are any of them doing regular earthwork to fox. 3-4 days a week in the winter?. a few of them look good for a rosette but that wont cut in in the dark. and for the guy whos looking to stud out his lakey/russell.... go to the source you got him from...if he from a line of workers the guy who bred him should know of a good bitch from the same line...half brother/ half sister.... or tighter!! thats how you try and get working bred pups ... not just a scatter to an un related, dam!...
  22. taken just 2 months ago 16 tts and 24lb weight....
  23. yep, agree with the above, kept and worked a good standard of dog, and certainly wasn't the sort to fill his camo troos when it kicked off lol!... Yokel lol... no i didnt mean your mate from the hangover would have fillled the parachute pants but you know the type im on about... and they dont have to be skinhead either that was just a general image you would of had in the late early 90s but now it would be a hoody track bottoms and air max...with the dog straining on the chain like a preverbial wind bag..a far cry from the bull used to infuse most terrier types wether people admit it or
  24. lol...the man with the tattooed face.....yea when chatting about these type of breeds thats probably the first image that would pop into ones head, skinead with a bomber jacket and DMs maybe camo trousers, and when the dog showed the slightest incline to do what it was originally bred for them camo trousers were soon filled with that days dinner..... but the men i know who still keep this type for work are the complete opposite.... work 5 days a week, keep the hedges trimmed and the head down and get on with what they know best...working dogs...the type youd probably see at haf 7 mass on a sat
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