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Everything posted by Matt29

  1. I had kind of realised that live quarry was different to target shooting that's why I am eager to get as much info from you guys and girls that have actually done it before. Thanks for all the info especially on local hft which is only 20 mins from me I can't wait to get down there and have a go. Thanks people
  2. Some good shooting, good to watch
  3. Thank you for that helpful piece of info, it gives me chance to also work on my Hunting skills before actually getting a permission as I do not Want to be given a amazing piece of land to hunt on and not be ready I will only start shooting at small game etc when I have fine tuned my skills to feel comfortable Taking a shot to humanly kill the selected target. So that won't be until I have purchased my bsa ultra As I don't feel my rifle consistently hits where I aim. The last thing I want is for a pigeon rabbit etc to be able to Get away wounded I would feel awful in the instance of tha
  4. Hi I have in the last year or so decided to take up air rifle hunting. I have always loved air rifles right from being a boy, although when I was younger target shooting is all I did with a .22. Now I have started I made a silly mistake of doing not a great deal Of research before piking a rifle to use, as spring rifles is pretty much the only thing I knew I bought a relatively cheap gun a hammerli seeker 550 in a .22 but now I am really regretting it as I have trialed a few pellet and techniques and cannot get any kind of satisfying groups beyond 16 meters, I dont think it's me as I have r
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