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Jack Richardson

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Everything posted by Jack Richardson

  1. Dear one & all, I am currently looking for some work experience within conservation or gamekeeping within Northampton area ideally near Boughton because I currently do not drive. I am currently studying at Moulton College and doing a course in Countryside Management, and am going onto a HE course in September, and would like to increase my practical knowledge before I start. So if anyone could help me out I would be very thankful. Regards Jack
  2. Hello Corkyjohn, I know a lot of people will disagree with this statement but here we go, you can grow most plants in most areas, but they will not grow to their full potential. However it is not only the aspect you have to look at it is the soil / growing media structure, whether it is sandy, loamy or clay based. Also weather it is alkaline or acidic soil / growing media. also feeding is a must especially if they are going in pots or raised beds, because every time you water the area you will be water out the vital nutrients needed. here is a website which I found quite useful as my gar
  3. Personally I would never attempt to breed them especially because I am new to keeping ferrets; I understand there is a huge likelihood of people breeding them just because they can see the pound signs, I breed a lot of my own poultry so I understand there is a lot of money which needs to be put in before and after the kits come along, however as state above with the Jill possibly being pregnant, I will need to out the money in and never to do it again :/ Regards Jack
  4. The thing The thing is i did not mean to get both a jill and hob, however when i went to pick the hob up i was just given the jill for free, but yes joe it was a bit late me asking when i did, but things have changed now and they are housed separately. But after taking them to the vets to have a general check over amoungst other things i was told the Jill was potentially pregnant. However we all live and learn don't we? Regards Jack
  5. Thank you all for your replies, however today when I went out to check on them both , the male was doing the business, I am going to buy another cage to separate them both, however I think im might be to late this time. regards Jack
  6. Hello one and all I would just like to introduce myself, and say hello ! my name is jack and i am currently studying countryside management at moulton college and am looking at progressing onto a HE course in september. I have already gained a wealth of knowledge from reading through some of the posts. regards jack
  7. Dear one and all, I have just been given two working ferrets, however one is a jill and the other is a hob. And I would like to know if it is okay to keep them together? As fair as I am aware they are not related.
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