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Everything posted by weasellurcher

  1. not that is not showing intrest brings rabbit dummys back and showed it few dead rabbits grabs them just wont chance them on lamp yet had it feet off them just looks at me haha Playing with the dummy's is all good pal but at 7 months I wouldn't be trying to let him chace rabbits on the lamp yet at all! You can see from the dogs face he is still puppyish! End of the season now anyway! He'll be good to start bringing on come september! Just wait till then atm
  2. Beautiful dog, still very Young! 7 months, wouldn't expect much interest from him mate! Just keep him happy and let him be a pup! He'll mature in his own time!
  3. Jeemes! I hope that was a very witty reply and not a serious comment! If [BANNED TEXT] joking then [BANNED TEXT] funny lol and if your serious the only reason you see more of one particular colour doing well at something is because that colour is more common eg you see more bay successful race horses than grey horses but that's only because there are more bay horses alive
  4. Same her mate, wind been howling, rain non stop! Fecking roads are flooded! Wouldn't believe were in the same country haha
  5. Strong looking whippet mate, what height is he?
  6. That's a nice thing to say mate, cheers. I agree, most things I reckon happen for a reason
  7. Sorry it's near Newcastle but it's Hexham not Thornley
  8. Thanks a lot lads for the comments and offers. The sellers name is Darren brookes of that helps. My mate is looking for something with no bull saluki and not too collie saturated. I know. Very small margin but its naught against the breeds mentioned just what he is looking for. Thanks again all
  9. Cheers guys, I love that threat! I hope he doesn't catch a rabbit all season
  10. She does mate but it'll cost her a fair bit to drive up there and back again anyway and I'm Sure she doesn't want to have to demand this man pays her. I don't leave school untill the 21st else I'd drive up there. just wanted to see if anyone had any info on the bloke so that he could send her money back and show him what trouble he had caused. Pup would have had a great working life, mates upset and angry and we've gotta look for another litter now.
  11. That's what I thought recommended it to a mate of mine who's only 16 years old. His mum paid £100 deposit and the guy has now sold the pup that she drove from suffolk to Newcastle to see and was going to buy and he hasn't given the deposit back.
  12. Anyone know the seller of this litter from about two weeks ago
  13. Beautiful mate. Let us know how she gets on?? How old? And height tts?
  14. Bored so I thought I'd do another haha. I never had a ferret when I was younger but when I spotted a rabbit hole, which was few and far between. I would go back to the house and take my mums lapdog/ sausage dog under my arm. Twiggie would mark the whole by sticking her whole head down the whole and her shoulders aswell! I'd pull her back of the hole and drop fertie, the sausage dog. She would start to dig her way down the whole and everynow and then I'd pull her out and clear the way. If I had a spade then I dig a bit and put her back in. The warrens were only shallow and soon we'd come to a
  15. Haha do it! A whippet Pom ?? speed and stamina and a coat! Proven worker, more than a lot of pups being bred nowa days!
  16. Your right, wouldn't fit it all in.
  17. Fairly he's messing. But my point stands that if someone wanted to do it they could! Lol
  18. I don't actually understand why everyone's knocking the guy and me for supporting him. If the bloke goes for a 10 mile bike ride every day, highly possible, and he takes his dog with him. What's hard to believe about that? True I don't do it, wouldn't do it. The only my bitch gets fit is walking her and working her but what's stopping him from doing 10 miles a day with his dog?
  19. Missed the but about the amount of miles your doing a week. Can't see it being that bad. Dog must be proper fit and fair play to you putting that time in.
  20. I remember a while back there was a similair thread of guy who said he'd clocked his dog around 40mph and everyone laughed at him. I've never clocked any of my dogs but it's a fact that hates are the fastest land mammal in Britain and can reach speeds of up to 40mph. Any decent hare dog can get up to a hare flat out and turn it. Therefore, surely it is logical to believe that a decent lurcher can run at speeds of over 40mph? I may be wrong or missing something but it's a point.
  21. I would be surprised if their was much saluki in her although there could have been a little bit
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