Got nets from Bill they are that best nets i ever saw or used, great man to deal with, a gentleman is netrigger and the nets say it all first class came highly recommended by W Katchum.....
Rabbits are being lamped to dead they rather take there chance under ground than face what might be over ground, one farm had years ago was the same dig every rabbit sometimes 4 or 5 in pooch, asked farmer was anyone else hunting said lads lamping every night.
Went to vets in tullamore first place i could get in, Vet in Newbridge is great been there few times thanks jack, the green fields of Kildare is the best bunny land to be got......
Went to vets in tullamore first place i could get in, Vet in Newbridge is great been there few times thanks jack, the green fields of Kildare is the best bunny land to be got......
Over here it only went over 20 degrees few days all summer other days wet 16 degrees, been shitty summer, September be a scorcher just to make sure cover lasts all winter....
nice one young fella will always remember them days did you have the dog out. Seems a nice few rabbits about this year No jack, fly jumped the wall on to main road, car hit him brought him to vets xray said shattered radius bone front left leg vet said he will run when finished but vet say that get money 500 big one's happened middle of june see how things go fingers crossed...
Wish I had open ground like that all my ground is hedgerows, Went out for hour local yesterday where I let rabbits out 3 years ago, bought 6 year old son for first time got three for the kits....