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Everything posted by mad4it

  1. Glad you liked it hope it serves you well
  2. and the same to you seeker
  3. Merry christmas and a happy new year to all yous and familys
  4. Merry Christmas and aHappy new year to all of you and your familys
  5. As already been said have a look at fourteen acre plus look on YouTube there are some good video on there. Your right once you make your own you will never buy another one
  6. Hello and welcome to thl Where about in Kent are you
  7. looks good griff seeing it I would like one
  8. well done lads shows us in good light keep up the good work
  9. at work all the iveco keep breakdown so they keep getting hiring transits, I think the transits are more comfable
  10. would you consider sending it if so I am interseted in it
  11. Hello and welcome to thl
  12. has anyone seen this reveiw or gun at all what are your veiws on it
  13. I dont think you can use the logo unless you are a member
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