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About mad4it

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 24/02/1976

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    kent england
  • Interests
    all types of feildsports from ferreting to sea fishing

Contact Methods

  • Skype
    stephen sene

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  1. Thank you for the offer but still have got a couple of workers
  2. I use Cimetrol super i find works for me I have used fendonna but that did not work as well for me
  3. Members 678 2,577 posts Location:kent england Report post Posted just now WARNING THEIFING SCUMBAGS ABOUT IN STROOD KENT Someone got in to my garden and broke into my shed and nicked four ferrets a bag of nets plus two quick sett long nets. the ferrets that where nicked are a year old they are my daughters therapy animals which help her one of them is very special to her as she hand reared her and she has two toes m
  4. WARNING THEIFING SCUMBAGS ABOUT IN STROOD KENT Someone got in to my garden and broke into my shed and nicked four ferrets a bag of nets plus two quick sett long nets. the ferrets that where nicked are a year old they are my daughters therapy animals which help her one of them is very special to her as she hand reared her and she has two toes missing from her front left foot. I know it might not happen but out of all that been nicked thats the only thing i want back the nets can be replaced
  5. have a look on you tube or fourteenarce website
  6. Sounds like you both had a good night
  7. Hello and welcome to THL. I would go with what the one said above but would add make sure you find a pellet that it likes and keep to it
  8. Hello and welcome to THL
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