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About ciaran

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  1. OK guys, no road kill on way up:( Set up some decoys with bread slices, but nothing landed. My brother was close by in the morning think the shotgun going off sporadically probably didn't help. Once he left to stalk the fields further away I had more luck getting a couple of jackdaws from tree top. Good day all in all, might give a shotgun a go next time, just for a change.
  2. Obviously a worthwhile job, any help you can give our native species is well worth while, the fact that you get to enjoy some hunting outings is just a bonus. Apparently corn is a good feed for greys, the red won't touch it, so if your feeders are getting empty and they have corn in them, you know its greys
  3. Cheers guys, got camo gloves and face covering ready, good idea about the eggs and bread. Might just bring all three guns and decide on day. Fingers crossed some birds take interest and visit
  4. Hi guys, going on my first hunting foray Thursday. Been called in to help reduce corvid numbers for a farmer with lambs. Was going with the s200 in .22 for main rifle but also bringing a Springer, so do I go with another .22 or bring a .177 boinger instead? The plan is to sit in a hide for morning, then try walking round the farm fields later.
  5. I have the mk1, its my first rifle and couldn't believe I was managing to hit targets at 45-55yds first day out.
  6. Hi all, I am new to this, just recently got my first air rifle a PCP, currently reading lots of advice and watching video clips trying to learn as much as possible. Currently tempted to go down the springer route instead of PCP to ensure i've got the basics right. oh well time to start more research, and get some practise in ... Ciaran
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