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Everything posted by ditchman

  1. ive got a colendar excactly like that....
  2. old school home cooking..........
  3. she is that ugly ...she would need to sneak up on a glass of water to take a drink
  4. i might as long as she cleaned her teeth
  5. easy old school food ...used single cream and milk and chives and black pepper...thats all
  6. Mossad have said its all part of their plan called "Operation Betty Swallocks"
  7. Damn that woman sure is ugly....hairstyle is so yesterday
  8. when i did one like that a few days ago it cost me 4 rennies
  9. girlfriend has taken the batteries out of her dildo...... im back to wetshaving i havt paid my liecence fee so im waiting for the BBC to push the boom button on me old googlebox anyone got an electric car ....know what i mean
  10. Just fancied a bit of the ole Anglo /Iti' SPAG-A-RAGUDABBADOO im mainling wine now.............
  11. i will tell you something else....that not alot of people know........ that Rudolf Hess is Jimmy Carrs grandad................. us scum know lots of stuff that the high and mighty dont know.....
  12. i read an article in an acheoligical magazine ...that for many years history buffs were constantly amazed at the ammount of olive oil amphoras found accross the UK and Europe......OSR has been grown in the uk since Roman times for the production of oil...(that is a fact)....so why so much olive oil ? investigations took place and samples taken from the lime putty in between the tesseri of the mosaic paving.....when these samples were prosessed and squirted thro a flame in the specrometer ...the graph peaked on the oils which were contained in OLIVE OIL.................. so it seems t
  13. now that looks nice...was ita made up coating or out of the packet coating......
  14. it will be super easy for you to do ...and being done on smokey wood coals outside yer cabin ...the taste will be really authentic...
  15. PART 2.......well that was nice....saved one skewer for to-nites snacky tea..... Melb3 is going to do this on his open charcoal fire in his hunting wood.... crispy spicy on the outside....moist an' juicy on the inside....just right
  16. PART 1.............This is a Melb3 request...he says he is going to do this on a lazy open coal fire in his hunting wood...... will bang it under the grill at 2.30 soaked the big chunks of chicken in...rough ground tandorri powder/oil/waterpepper/muscavadocane brown sugar and some other stuff....overnight WATCH THIS SPACE MELB3 remembered the lime this time
  17. not only tasty but an art form....
  18. your plate being tidal is bound to be effected by the moon phase....
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