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Everything posted by ditchman

  1. we also refer to a woman as having nice baps.....all very confusing but both can be put in the mouth
  2. Hot Korean sweet stir fry drizzled a home made sauce in ...made from plum/soya sauce/tom sauce/vinegar/pepper/ginger/....added fried chick bits and cooked until the sauce crackled
  3. i googled her...wooooowwwww....she did some modeling...beautiful looking woman.....
  4. see you are using proper parsley ...not that foriegn muck flat leaf stuff
  5. i would use a prawn cocktail flavour ....so i blend in...
  6. i would use a beer crate and mel can kick it away at the vinegar stroke
  7. fresh picked slugs off yer Hostas and a bowl full of anal beads waiting to be threaded.....
  8. i wouldnt waste a condom on that.......i would use an empty crisp packet
  9. i only go out when it is dark...and everything is black
  10. yes i am ...im doing 10 years for olive killing....
  11. Pretend KFC....and turbo-charged Mcaine oven chips
  12. HHhhahhahahhahahaa "sunderland salad"...thats a new one one me......the wonders of the english language ...i would have a drizzle of Lee&Perrins on the tinned toms.........superb
  13. in norfolk in the early 1970's a proper SNAKEBITE was 2/3rds cidre and a 1/3rd Esso blue.....produced some wild nights
  14. the fast show ?...............thats my line
  15. what end are you going to put it in
  16. no wonder the French are frightened of us.............and not a feckin olive in sight
  17. Dinosaur & chips....a snack for desperate Dan
  18. that last hamster you sent me ....you forgot to wash it.....it was rank man...had to bin it
  19. did she do something special with olives ????.................Mel does the same thing with hamsters..(pet shop boy)
  20. i take it you dont like shite ?
  21. Is that Halal crab then ?
  22. i thought that was when yer girlfriend wee'd on you
  23. jeesus christ.................respect bro'
  24. im permantly on a seafood diet..................................... i see- food and eat it...........its not a verygood diet
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