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Everything posted by Sam-r

  1. Yes def a cock he tries to sing but not fully just thought there might be a way to help him along
  2. Any tips to get a goldfinch to start singing? Got a cock goldfinch and he not not singing fully yet any ways to encourage him?
  3. You got any nice singers to go in them?
  4. How much would that last one go for bunnys?
  5. Tarmac £60- a metre depends if you use 6 or 10 mil Tarmac block paving better easy to repair and maintain this is what I do for a living if need any advice drop me a pm
  6. I can put you in touch with a guy in berkshire for rollers but might be a bit far from you?
  7. For song i would use roller hens
  8. Your right there mate I'm in South and birds are hard to come by and to dear
  9. Wanted goldfinch mule 100% finch noted berkshire area cash waiting for right bird
  10. Had it on module version on my phone couldn't see it
  11. Where you based mate?
  12. Thanks been sold to me as a cock but we will soon find out
  13. I'm feeding them the same canary seed mix whith added niger and teezle But also plenty of greens broccoli apple lettuce Was told to buy a special goldfinch mix but [BANNED TEXT] I looked at it it was just canary seed mixed with a few extra seeds (Niger teezle ect) think u doing just fine mate
  14. It won't let me put pics up I'll try again later
  15. Got myself one £60 this years bird im happy
  16. Hey mate lovely birds do you sell any after a couple of mules where abouts r u based ?
  17. http://www.gumtree.com/p/pets/baby-goldfinches-for-sale/1069530012 Try this mate if you need some in a hurry
  18. Thats perfect mate how much you want for it?
  19. U want to sell it? Lol
  20. Be nice to see this mate i've been looking To buy one of these
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