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Everything posted by Darkie69

  1. It's a shame that you got, what only can be described as, one that obviously slipped the QA test and did not perform to expectations but you stuck to your guns (pardon the pun) and got it resolved with the RFD . Hopefully you'll have better luck this time round and we'l get to hear all about it. Happy shooting
  2. Suppose it's better to call than get pulled over like i did the other week on the way home, but they were cool with it when i produced the paperwork.
  3. Nice one, looks like a lovely shot just above the eye.
  4. Well, working at the weekend isn't my cup of tea as a general rule especially since I could have been at the AAOC with Timmytree and Davyt and been having a ball, but to make the best of the situation I thought, time for some pest control at work to alleviate the boredom. Break out the TX 200 Around half 6 as the clouds were coming in I headed for my first area under the large canopy. As i popped my head around the corner to have a quick peek I spotted a Feral roosting on one of the beams. even better the bugger was right in line with the Purling behind so I didn't have to move, BONUS!!!!
  5. Was it from tesco's or asda?
  6. Damn near had me in tears laughing at the Copper phone calls, made my day.
  7. That's reassuring to know that taking those critters out our other wild birds can thrive again.
  8. just remember 2 squirrels = 1 rabbit in the pot yum yum
  9. Got a nice mixed bag and your daughter done well, she'll be catching up with you if your not careful. love the rifle stock is it custom painted or Camit?
  10. I've got the .22 HC and i can't fault it, easy to work on, trigger setting is simplistic in itself. wouldn't trade it for another springer.
  11. You're all southerners south of the wall ha ha
  12. someone once mentioned white lithium grease but I'm still sceptical on that one
  13. Short sweet and to the point, nice vid, cracking shooting, well done
  14. Looks like they'll have to open up a springer only section
  15. This link might help you understand a bit, This is one from from one of the other members but it will give you a good idea visually of what you can expect your pellet or any other type of projectile will do.. shooting on incline hope it helps out
  16. I know I'm going slightly off track here and without checking (putting my neck on the block for a change) wouldn't it be the same rules apply to squirrel feeders when trying to get the greys?
  17. I found taking the factory grease out and using bisley moly took some of the noise away,
  18. Damn, I own a springer and all this talk about the HW is making me think what am I missing out on. Me thinks time to save or win the lottery!!!
  19. Sounds impressive and none too expensive, nice bag to prove a point as well. well done matey
  20. Glad to hear the problem has sorted itself, When I brought the TX 200HC and got it tested it was underpowered for vermin hunting so after running a tin and half of pellets through the rifle was up to 11lbs, now it seems to be sitting around the 11.44lb mark. Just goes to show like brand new (old version) cars, rifles need to be run in as well to a certain extent. Well done on the night shoot it goes to show what the rifle can do when it has settled in.
  21. Nice shooting there, lovely head shots, can actually see the entry wounds on the bottom 2.
  22. I think in my case it will be 5.51 or 5.52 since I have a .22
  23. now now ladies, no bickering over my one's bigger than your one, remember love thy neighbour especially if it's a permission
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