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Everything posted by Blackdog92

  1. Thought I would share a few pics from the last couple weeks from a few days out I’ve had with my local fell pack. I don’t normally follow but it was a nice change from the runners, but as always they were there for the day out.
  2. Did you see anything up on high seat? ?
  3. Your a sick man ant ?
  4. We went to another one with my pals lal lad, when we got there he asked if it had WiFi ? he’s only 7.
  5. Don’t get me started on the floors ?
  6. That makes me feel a bit better that I’m not the only one living in a crooked house. The wardrobe in the bedroom is flush to the skirting board but it’s about 8 inch from the wall at the top ?
  7. Yes they are, there’s no insulation in these old houses, there nothing but stone and lime mortar. Nothings square in my house, if you hang a picture straight it doesn’t look right lol.
  8. I wouldn’t say there thick for the old buildings round here, the walls on my house are twice as thick as that.
  9. Me, I don’t mind it’s a good workout. You sleep like a baby after you’ve carried a bit of kit up there lol.
  10. Maybe ? pic probs gives it away. Yup, and I was pleased to see when we got there some nice people had left some fuel for us so we were able to leave some for the next people.
  11. Had a a night out on the fells in one of the bothys, was a lovely frosty night with no cloud, the moon was so bright we could have a wander out on the fell just by the moon light. once we got the fire going it didn’t take long to get a pot of chilli going which went down nicely with some toasted marshmallows for afters.
  12. It’s hard wool as well, you wouldn’t want a jumper made from it.
  13. Yes there herdwicks, that flock is one of the oldest registered herdwicks flocks there is.
  14. I do but there a lot harder to take because there off doing there job
  15. Thanks, they do enjoy themselves. The lurchers some times get a bit of work while we are up there as well.
  16. Been doing a bit of gathering in the fells for tup time so the ewes can come down and get serviced.
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