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Everything posted by Hopley89

  1. Hi all I'm after a scope mounted lamp/torch with filters or complete kit Also a hand help one that's connects to a battery Thanks dan
  2. Iv got 3 12ft wychwood 3lbs test curve rods
  3. They look like to hold something on your rifle. Maybe a shade or to hold a filter in front of a light .. I can't truthfully say as I haven't got a clue ..
  4. If it wasn't an existing wall that is as I dowt it was .. And I no what you mean gonetoearth as I'm also in the building trade and work for a roofing company and we do many up on many school roofs and they are always on a tight budget with things !!
  5. I hope health and safety get the feckers who built the wall and didn't secure it right as they would have known it's a school and there is going to be children there at some point in the day .. It's a shambles that's people leave work like that and don't address the situation in hand at the time when it was flagged !!!!!
  6. Well they were out on the counter .. Say no more Erm I'm not going to say we're the shop was I'll ask the bloke the next time I pop in there Thanks for the replys lads . Yh im just read that the minimum shot is 8 Once again cheers lads
  7. I was about to hand over the cash and he only asked to see my SGC certificate not fac .. If I payed I could of walked out with them .. Tut tut Yah I had a felling someone was gonna say about you have to show good reason for slugs Ect
  8. Well I didn't no that .. I'm glad in never brought them then as I wouldn't of been able to shoot them !! And it would of been a waste of cash So any shell other than shot can't be shot thought a shotgun unless you hold a fac and a be verified to shoot it on the land ..
  9. So when I went in the shop the other day to by slugs ( I didn't bother in end ) and the bloke behind the counter never asked for my fac just SGC then his braking the law as they are fac ammo .. Also what's the range Cheers
  10. Il by the kit off you Chef_shooter Pm me and I'll pay. Ash on collection Cheers dan
  11. I didn't realise there were fac but what's the range of a slug from a shotgun .. 12 ball I am waiting upon a fac certificate but dose the land have to be verified to shoot shotgun slugs Thanks
  12. It's a absolute shambles .. There was a report a month ago and nothing got done about it and now a poor and incident little girl has died from it now a action will be taken by Health and safety little to late I would say !! Heart goes out to the family
  13. Hi all what's peoples review on 2 3/4 slugs for hunting !? As permission won't allow fac . So just wanted to no what the range is for the slugs Ect I no they have got a good stopping power Can you help Cheers
  14. Hi all I'm looking for a new or second hand scope mounted lamp Iv been looking at deben tactical pro ( with the big green battery ) And the big ones .. Like the old mini head lamps lol What's your recommendations Iv got £200 to spend on a new one in a week or two Thank in advance
  15. If you was closer to Birmingham you could of popped out with me on the golf course for a couple of shot with the AA s400 classic Always the way tho
  16. I'm with woodcote on this . I made some out of old broom handle cut it to the size I wanted put a nut and bolt thought it with a washer between the sticks and a rope at the bottom ( to stop it for opening all the way ) and they fold down to go in my pocket and cost me nothing at all ..
  17. Hi Iv got a AA s400 classic it's a brilliant rifle , no pushing buttons at the front to charge next pellet . Pull back the bolt load and shoot On the other hand if your going to be shooting out of a vehicle then the BSA ultra is smaller in length and lighter Good luck
  18. I'm making my own filters Iv made a red one with red transparent plastic ( clear ) and it worked out brilliant I thought rabbits Ect couldn't see red light but possible to see amber .. Or am I completely Rongelap on that subject ???.
  19. It pays off tho after all the door knocking and the flyer and the emails .. You will get some permission soon
  20. It's weight isn't noticeable at all pal it's detachable so takes about 30seconds to remover and fit .. I am well chuffed with it that silver button on the battery box is on off switch . It a one finger movement to turn it on and off so very easy Good luck making one . And I'll let you now tomoz pal
  21. Hi all hear is my home made lamping torch .. It was a 1200lumnes head torch That uses 3000mah 3.7v battery's x2 It has a pin point to a wide view range . At pin point can be seen over 300 meters plus I'm off out tomorrow night lamping on my permission so see how it goes . Cost £15 for head torch not bad compare to today's markers of them .. Also Iv made a red glass lens so should be a good night Enjoy and let me one what you think
  22. I wouldn't mind a mate taking me on one of his permissions .. But I would speak to fac to make sure . As you don't want to get done for a 5 min phone call
  23. Yh I haven't been for a wile and Iv got to much stuff sitting around so I'm gonna get rid of some
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