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Everything posted by peterhunter86

  1. yeh im from tallaght yeh them hills are ruff to get a hunt
  2. that lil sandy colord lurcher in your pics is the image of mine what way is it bred maybe their related im in dublin to
  3. same thing keeps happing my mates dog vet said he would stich tendons or remove toe
  4. can anyone tell me how to put a profile picture up cheers

    1. bobcullen79


      open the picture with paint, and resize it to around 250 pixels and it should be small enough to load up.

    2. peterhunter86


      cheers mate il get the mrs to do it

  5. thanks for the advice lads i will get out as much as i can and hopefully by next sean ill have them on the ball
  6. im taking them up on the start of the dublin mountains its played out but i dont drive and its walking distance from my house its the best i can do they are not from hunting stock i got them as pets and last year the two year old one got a few rats and flushed sum rabbits so i got a lurcher i have hunted on and off with freinds over the years so i have a fair idea how it works the problem is geting them started when there only out and keeping them interested some days thier great and some are bad any advice is welcome and thanks for the reploys
  7. hi iv just joind this site my names peter im from dublin
  8. im looking forward to that show hopefully its a great day i have been getting my little whippet cross ready for the races and cant wait to see her in action and good luck to all dogs on the day
  9. hi lads im new to this site id like some advice i have three dogs two jr terriers and a whippit cross lurcher the lurcher works great day or night but the jrs take their time geting into the swing of things and after an hour or so seem to lose interest can anyone give me any tips to motivate them more
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