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Everything posted by peterhunter86

  1. it was hard work getn mine to work i just got them out as much as i cud now ther working fine try bringing them were ther is plenty of rabbits evetualy they will workone of mine jackrussels was 3 when i started wiht him an hes on the ball now atb
  2. i got a bag of dry food from martin lavery pet foods in antrim does any one on here use it and is it any good cheers

    1. vermin catcher

      vermin catcher

      it depends on what you got, he sells loads of different kinds so you need to be specific.I use him all the time for my dog meat and meal, he is a good straight up guy and will always steer you in the right direction regarding feeding.Tell him what dogs you have how much work they are doing or racing ect and he will give you the appropriate meal for that particular situation. Everybody I know uses Martin,his wax paper bedding is great too for the kennels,no dust from it unlike the shreeded pap...

    2. peterhunter86


      it just says good dog complete on the bag and a list of ingreidients ther seems to be plenty on different meats in it and salmon oil. i didnt get it myself my brothers freind pick up a few bags when he was up north and he dont have dogs food is food to him so he just got the 1st bags he seen

  3. iv read somewere that the stuff that is uesed to keep it moist is bad for dogs
  4. if u ever had a good dog would you put it in that
  5. i was looking at that the other day its fookn dog ruff i wouldnt put my mother in law in it
  6. no were the fashion police you fool haha but i wouldnt mind being the good looking dog police coz id nick that dog
  7. and different bottoms
  8. you have to give it to lurchers ireland he is some man for dodgeing a question hes in the wrong game he shud b in politics
  9. i think that the money should go to a good couse like most of the other shows do its hard enuff handing out 15 euro entry as im sure thats what they will be looking for whitout knowen some koont is going home whith full pockets while mine are empty fair enough take a days pay but dont screw us
  10. do any of you lads keep parlour rollers iv seen some on youtube ther sumting eles
  11. thats a fine henhouse i used to keep a few hens
  12. thats the way it starts and she looks helthy an id say the dry skin is just dandruff
  13. its a cracking dog regardless of its breeding
  14. my whippet cross has ears like that
  15. yeh thats what its called they shud be puting more programs of that style on more often
  16. iv seen one program on it about a pack of hounds it was very good
  17. thats d same age as my dog shes whippit x wheaton wit sum bull i got her in tallaght
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